Wellenausbreitung und ihre Beeinflussung in periodischen piezoelektrischen Laminaten mit Elektroden und Rissen
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2018 bis 2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 389088551
This project is devoted to the analysis of the elastic wave propagation and manipulation in smart periodic piezoelectric laminates. For this purpose, theoretical models as well as accurate and efficient numerical methods will be developed. In particular, the semi-analytical and mathematically well-founded integral approach (IA) and efficient numerical methods will be developed. In particular, the semi-analytical integral approach (IA) and spectral element method (SEM) as well as their coupled form (IA-SEM) will be implemented. The semi-analytical nature of the IA allows us to gain a deeper insight into the physics and mechanisms, while the SEM is more flexible for the numerical simulation of the complex wave propagation phenomena. By combining the advantages of both methods, a highly accurate and efficient numerical simulation tool will be established. Periodic piezoelectric laminates with electrodes and cracks will be considered. Embedded electrodes allow us to control and manipulate elastic wave propagation, while the consideration of crack-like defects enables us to assess the reliability of the smart periodic piezoelectric laminates. Three different types of electrodes and cracks will be investigated in the project, namely, a finite number of multiple electrodes and cracks, a periodic array of electrodes and cracks, and multiple periodic arrays of electrodes and cracks.By using the developed theoretical models and numerical methods, complex wave propagation phenomena such as total wave reflection, wide band-gaps, negative refraction, wave resonances, wave localization and focusing, wave cloaking and local field concentrations near the electrodes and crack-tips will be investigated in details. Such distinct wave propagation characteristics have novel and innovative applications in fracture and damage mechanics, non-destructive material testing, on-line structural health monitoring, as well as design and optimization of novel acoustic devices, noise and vibration attenuating structures and components The following key influencing factors should be analyzed in details: material parameters, geometrical parameters, sizes and locations of the electrodes/cracks, and the applied electric field. By adjusting these key influencing parameters, beneficial and preferred periodic piezoelectric laminates with special wave propagation characteristics such as wide band-gaps and wave cloaking capability can be achieved. The problems to be solved in this project are highly emerging and not yet tackled in literature, and the solution methods to be developed are original. The project has a multi-disciplinary character and it involves different scientific disciplines, such as solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, applied mathematics, physics, computational methods and programming.This is a cooperation project by the German and Russian applicants, which will combine their individual research strengths and promote participating young German and Russian scientists.
Internationaler Bezug
Russische Föderation