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Performance Analysis and Optimization of Future Low Latency and Reliable Cooperative Communication

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2017 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 388757095
As low-latency and high reliability become two major concerns in the design of future wireless networks, various technologies are proposed, studied and improved to satisfy these requirements. Among them, relaying is well known as an efficient way to mitigate wireless fading by exploiting spatial diversity. However, almost all the existing studies of the advantages of relaying are under the ideal assumption of communicating arbitrarily reliably at Shannon's channel capacity, i.e. assuming the so-called infinite blocklength regime. As low-latency requires short blocklengths which introduce decoding errors and reduce the reliability, it is essential to study the behavior of relaying in the finite blocklength regime to contribute to the design of future low-latency and reliable networks. In this proposal, we aim at contributing to the performance analysis and system design of low latency and reliable relaying systems by utilizing a novel performance model of the finite blocklength regime and optimization techniques. More importantly, we consider more realistic system models, e.g. finite blocklength, imperfect CSI and a fading channel model, which allows us to deduce from our results more reasonable and reliable guidelines for the system design in practice. First, we will provide a detailed analysis of the performance of single-relay networks under the above described realistic system models. Then, we will extend the obtained results for single-relay networks to multi-relay networks. Finally, by exploiting the obtained analytical insights into relaying with finite blocklengths, we intend to design efficient QoS-constrained and reliable relaying networks by minimizing the error probability and maximizing the QoS-constrained capacity.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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