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EXC 177:  Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction (CliSAP)

Subject Area Atmospheric Science, Oceanography and Climate Research
Term from 2007 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 38787541
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The overarching scientific CliSAP goals were to analyze ongoing and past changes of the climate system, to determine predictable elements of the climate system over a broad range of space and time scales and to determine uncertainties intrinsic to predictions of important climate system and environmental indices. CliSAP investigated these problems interdisciplinary by bringing together natural and social scientists. A major achievement of CliSAP’s integrated research program was the integration across disciplines, research areas and topics. In terms of regional impacts, CliSAP aimed to quantify consequences of climate change on humans, including economy, security and environment, with a focus on Northern Europe. CliSAP has significantly advanced climate sciences by analyzing climate variability, by identifying predictable climate elements, by assessing uncertainties of climate projections, and by studying potential climate change interactions with society, including the identification of societal benefits from climate knowledge. CliSAP has established strong, innovative interlinkages between the internationally renowned physical climate sciences in Hamburg with climate-related research in social sciences, economics and humanities. Through these interlinkages, climate research in Hamburg has become unique in its breadth, enabling it to cover a wide spectrum of integrated climate system science as well as research-based graduate and post-graduate education. Major scientific achievements can be summarized like this: 1) CliSAP showed that internal variability is much larger than previously thought 2) CliSAP spear-headed decadal climate predictions and identified multiyear predictive skill 3) CliSAP lifted media communication studies to global levels 4) CliSAP voiced reasons of claims of connections between climate change and conflicts CliSAP has produced more than 2800 relevant publications. The activities of the North German Climate Office e.g., the IPCC-like compilation of knowledge about climate change and impact in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, started a constructive dialog with the public and stakeholders. Further examples are the research on changing management practices in forestry and on management options to mitigate local climate change by urban planning or water management, or the design of regional climate services. At organizational level, CliSAP gathered key interdisciplinary expertise in the Hamburg area around the climate topic, and strengthened existing expertise, especially at Universität Hamburg where numerous research groups in various departments across faculties have oriented their research profiles strongly towards climate change. The Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit was founded to lead forward the heritage of CliSAP involving the graduate school SICSS, infrastructure and operational support. On a Hamburg wide level, the KlimaCampus Hamburg network now brings together all relevant institutions working on climate.

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