Analyse von zeitvarianten nano- und mikroskopischen Mechanismen zur Modellierung der meso- und makroskopischen Entmischungsstabilität von Betonen unter Rütteleinwirkung

Antragstellerin Professorin Dr. Nadja-Carola Bigall
Fachliche Zuordnung Baustoffwissenschaften, Bauchemie, Bauphysik
Förderung Förderung von 2017 bis 2022
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 387093558


Erstellungsjahr 2022

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Comparability of cementitious suspensions and paste of concrete., 2nd International RILEM Conference: Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2), 2019, Dresden
    von Bronk, T.; et al.
  • Comparison of Water-Isopropanol Replacement and Lyophilisation for Hydration Stop of Cementitious Suspensions. RILEM Bookseries (c(2019, 8, 25)), 610-618. Springer International Publishing.
    Kißling, Patrick A.; Cotardo, Dario; von Bronk, Tabea; Lohaus, Ludger & Bigall, Nadja C.
  • Capacitive behavior of activated carbons obtained from coffee husk. RSC Advances, 10(62), 38097-38106.
    Ramirez, Nathalia; Sardella, Fabiana; Deiana, Cristina; Schlosser, Anja; Müller, Dennis; Kißling, Patrick A.; Klepzig, Lars F. & Bigall, Nadja C.
  • Characterization data of reference cement CEM III/A 42.5N used for priority program DFG SPP 2005 “Opus Fluidum Futurum – Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase construction materials”. Data in Brief, 30(c(2020, 6)), 105524.
    Lu, Z.C.; Haist, M.; Ivanov, D.; Jakob, C.; Jansen, D.; Schmid, M.; Kißling, P.A.; Leinitz, S.; Link, J.; Mechtcherine, V.; Neubauer, J.; Plank, J.; Schmidt, W.; Schilde, C.; Schröfl, C.; Sowoidnich, T. & Stephan, D.
  • Boosting Dimethylamine Formation Selectivity in a Membrane Reactor by In Situ Water Removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(1), 307-316.
    Rieck genannt Best, Felix; Mundstock, Alexander; Kißling, Patrick A.; Richter, Hannes; Hindricks, Karen D. J.; Huang, Aisheng; Behrens, Peter & Caro, Jürgen
  • Influence of Low-Pressure Treatment on the Morphological and Compositional Stability of Microscopic Ettringite. Materials, 14(11), 2720.
    Kißling, Patrick A.; Lübkemann, Franziska; von Bronk, Tabea; Cotardo, Dario; Lei, Lei; Feldhoff, Armin; Lohaus, Ludger; Haist, Michael & Bigall, Nadja C.
  • One‐Step Formation of Hybrid Nanocrystal Gels: Deposition of Metal Domains on CdSe/CdS Nanorod and Nanoplatelet Networks. Advanced Optical Materials, 9(17).
    Zámbó, Dániel; Schlosser, Anja; Graf, Rebecca T.; Rusch, Pascal; Kißling, Patrick A.; Feldhoff, Armin & Bigall, Nadja C.
  • Pd‐Doped Cellulose Carbon Aerogels for Energy Storage Applications. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8(12).
    Ramirez, Nathalia; Zámbó, Dániel; Sardella, Fabiana; Kißling, Patrick A.; Schlosser, Anja; Graf, Rebecca T.; Pluta, Denis; Deiana, Cristina & Bigall, Nadja C.
  • Reaction Sintering of Ca3Co4O9 with BiCuSeO Nanosheets for High-Temperature Thermoelectric Composites. Journal of Electronic Materials, 51(2), 532-542.
    Hinterding, Richard; Rieks, Desiree; Kißling, Patrick A.; Steinbach, Lukas; Bigall, Nadja C. & Feldhoff, Armin
  • Controlled methylamine synthesis in a membrane reactor featuring a highly steam selective K+-LTA membrane. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 337(c(2022, 5)), 111920.
    Rieck genannt Best, Felix; Mundstock, Alexander; Richter, Hannes; Kißling, Patrick A.; Hindricks, Karen D.J.; Huang, Aisheng; Behrens, Peter & Caro, Jürgen
  • Is freeze-drying an alternative to solvent exchange for the hydration stop of cementitious suspensions?. Cement and Concrete Research, 159(c(2022, 9)), 106841.
    Kißling, Patrick A.; Lübkemann, Franziska; Mundstock, Alexander; Lohaus, Ludger; Haist, Michael; Caro, Jürgen & Bigall, Nadja C.
DFG-Verfahren Schwerpunktprogramme
Teilprojekt zu SPP 2005:  Opus Fluidum Futurum - Rheologie reaktiver, multiskaliger, mehrphasiger Baustoffsysteme