This project deals with type II Transition Discs (TDs) which are characterized by large inner holes (several tens of au wide) in their dust distribution. Nevertheless, they show significant gas accretion signatures coming from the central inner region. The suggestion that in this type of TDs the large cavity is created by the presence of one or more planets, that cleared out the inner disc region, has found strong support in detecting the TD system PDS70 with two embedded planets. Theoretical modeling of discs with embedded planetary systems will allow to make predictions on the expected observational signatures (dust and gas distribution, accretion luminosity of the stars and planet) which can be directly compared to existing and futures observations. In this project we shall follow this line of thought and will perform multi-dimensional hydrodynamic studies to clarify the dynamical impact of planets on TDs. The simulations will include radiative effects, stellar irradiation, follow the motion of embedded dust, and will resolve the accretion flow near the embedded planets in detail.
DFG Programme
Research Units