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High Resolution Spectroscopy of Rydberg Excitons in External Fields

Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2017 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 386069213
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

Based on the substantial prior work on Rydberg excitons performed in the Dortmund group, the present project mainly focused on studies of Rydberg excitons in external magnetic or/and electric fields with high spectral resolution, which was limited only by the spectral resolution of the cw dye lasers used in the transmission studies, which amounts to few neV. The sensitivity of Rydberg exciton states to external fields shows a drastic scaling with the principal quantum number n of the Rydberg exciton state. Accordingly, Rydberg excitons proved to be an ideal model system to study similarities and differences between atomic and semiconductor systems with respect to their interaction with electric or magnetic fields. Within this project, we performed a detailed study of several central effects in the field of Rydberg excitons. Due to space limitations, here I will focus on two of them: Their dissociation in electric fields and the magneto-Stark effect. We performed a detailed investigation of the behavior of Rydberg excitons in electric fields. As expected, the Rydberg states belonging to a certain quantum number split into a Stark fan of states which will eventually dissociate in large enough fields. However, it turned out that the stability of these states differs strongly. Surprisingly, we could show that the lowest energy states are the first states to dissociate. We were able to explain this finding by taking not only the energy of the states, but also the spatial shape of the exciton wavefunction into account. Second, we demonstrated the so-called magneto-Stark effect, which is a genuine semiconductor effect and does not routinely occur in atomic systems. It arises due to the fact that an exciton created inside a crystal is usually not at rest. As a consequence, significant differences arise when it is subjected to an external magnetic field in the Faraday or Voigt configuration. In particular, additional absorption lines appear in Voigt geometry due to additional symmetry breaking. Dr. Julian Heckötter has been awarded the award for the best PhD thesis of the faculty of physics of TU Dortmund university for his thesis which includes results obtained within this project.



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