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Fundamentals of Organic Colloidal Composite Nanoparticles Applicable in Optoelectronics: Study of Morphology Formation, Surface Treatment and Charge Carrier Transport

Subject Area Polymer Materials
Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Term from 2017 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 380524893
Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

In summary, we demonstrated that in-situ stopped flow UV-Vis spectroscopy is a powerful tool to provide new insights into solution-based nanocrystal formation events. It opened a pathway to observe the formation of Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite NCs with an absorption maximum of 433 nm and a narrow FHWM down to 30 nm. The fast and accurate real-time tracking option enables the observation and prediction of a three-step nanocrystal formation process, which is completed in only a few hundred milliseconds (< 250 msec). Additional information could be obtained via in-situ stopped-flow small angle X- ray scattering, which revealed that in parallel to the formation of Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite nuclei (< 97 msec) a hierarchical featureless network, with a characteristic size of rag ~ 30 nm has started to form within the first 150 msec. While this network undergoes a nanostructural transformation from single dispersed objects to a more complex network with a size of 45-55 nm, the Cs3Bi2Br9-perovskite nuclei evolve into highly crystalline nanoparticles within a time scale of 200-350 msec. However, within 500 msec, the formation of clusters with a characteristic size of rg,cluster = 1125 – 1825 nm is observed, indicating a strong tendency for agglomeration of the newly formed nanocrystals. Importantly, the outcome of both in-situ characterization methods are in great consistency. After this great success of applying the developed setup to perovskite NCs and integrating that to the synchrotron beam at DESY, we will extend our study to a broader range of perovskite NCs and investigating the key parameters letting to promote the NCs growth to high quality single crystals, which is an essential part of one of my next projects.



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