Ensemble control is an emerging field of mathematical systems and control theory that refers to the task of controlling a large, potentially infinite, number of states, or systems, using a single input function or a single feedback controller. A prototype of an ensemble is determined by a parameter dependent family of systems and initial states which has to be controlled by a single input or feedback controller. Applications of ensemble control arise in, e.g., quantum control, systems biology, sensor networks and robotics, where control actions and measurements are performed in a distributed way. Classical methods from robust control do not suffice to study ensembles of systems and a new theory is needed. Except for few rudimentary contributions, no rigorous control theory of ensembles exists so far. The ensemble control problem area presents a new connection between control theory, complex analysis and approximation theory. We propose to establish fundamental concepts and tools for a system theoretic analysis of linear parametric ensembles. Thus we aim at a comprehensive structure theory for parameter dependent linear systems, by addressing the fundamental tasks of controllability and observability, constructive ensemble control and state estimation for ensembles.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection