Multi-scale adhesive contact for layered media: Asymptotic modelling, BEM simulation, and MDR extension

Applicant Professor Dr. Valentin L. Popov
Subject Area Mechanics
Term from 2017 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 374549186

Project Description

The proposed project is aimed at further developing the MDR (Method of Dimensionality Reduction) formalism (forward and inverse mapping rules), which is based on exact solutions of axisymmetric contact problems. The objective of the project is to extend the MDR for the non-axisymmetric indentation problem of an elastic half-space and to adhesive contacts of layered systems, and in particular the problem of multi-scale indentation tests with non-compact area of contact. This will be achieved by combining the latest advances in the MDR formulation with numerical simulation using Boundary Element Method and asymptotic analysis.The proposed research project is subdivided into several specific research lines in the framework of three Work Packages as follows: 1) Asymptotic solution of adhesive contact problem for a cluster of microcontacts; 2) Generalization of the principle of contact splitting for microcontacts interaction; 3) MDR extension for layered media. To date, such analytical studies and computer simulations for the multiple adhesive contact interaction have not been reported.This prospective extension of the MDR for adhesive indentation will provide a powerful tool for solving many dynamic contact problems including impact of viscoelastic solids with adhesion. Based on the findings of the project, the partners plan to develop comprehensive collaboration in this field in the future.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Co-Investigator Dr.-Ing. Qiang Li