GRK 1012:
Pfade organisatorischer Prozesse
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2005 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 372679
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Ziel des Graduiertenkollegs “Pfade organisatorischer Prozesse“ (nachfolgend „Pfadkolleg“) war es, Prozesse der Pfadabhängigkeit in und zwischen Organisationen zu erforschen. Als Forschungsplattform wurde das »Berliner Pfadmodell« entwickelt. Es teilt den Verlauf pfadabhängiger Prozesse in drei konstitutive Phasen; die Präformationsphase, die Phase der Selbstverstärkung und die Lock-in-Phase. Alle drei Phasen – und das ist das Charakteristische für die durch das Kolleg spezifizierte Theorie der Pfadabhängigkeit – sind durch eine unterschiedliche Handlungslogik gekennzeichnet: (1) offenes Entscheidungsverhalten trotz erster Imprinting-Effekte, (2) Handeln im Sog der Dynamik sich selbstverstärkender Prozesse, (3) determiniertes Handlungsgerüst. Im Zentrum der Theorie stehen die selbstverstärkenden Mechanismen als „Pfadtreiber“, wie etwa adaptive Erwartungen, Lerneffekte, Koordinationseffekte und Komplementaritätseffekte.
Auf Basis dieser Fokussierung konnte die Forschung zu Pfadabhängigkeit auf empirischer, konzeptioneller und methodischer Ebene gezielt vorangetrieben werden. Auf empirischer Ebene konnte die Relevanz des Konzeptes durch Nachweis und Analyse pfadabhängiger Entwicklungsverläufe auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen und in unterschiedlichen Feldern untermauert werden. Auf konzeptioneller Ebene konnte die Funktionsweise selbstverstärkender Mechanismen präzisiert und die Pfadtheorie um Konzepte wie Pfadbeugung, Pfadkonkurrenz, Pfadmanagement oder Pfadbruch erweitert werden. Auf methodischer Ebene haben die vorliegenden Arbeiten zur Spezifizierung qualitativer Designs für die Pfadforschung beigetragen. Gleichzeitig ist auch die Umsetzung besonders innovativer Studiendesigns, wie zum Beispiel Simulationsstudien oder ethnographischer Untersuchungen, gelungen.
Neben den wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen konnte das Pfadkolleg durch eine Reihe spezifischer Maßnahmen auch zu einer Verbesserung der wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung in der Promotionsphase beitragen:
1) Das Studienprogramm fokussierte auf fachwissenschaftliche und formal-methodische Inhalte, und wurde durch fakultative, auf Spezialthemen ausgerichtete Workshops für Kleingruppen erweitert. Die verpflichtenden Lehrveranstaltungen wurden schwerpunktmäßig im 1. Promotionsjahr absolviert. Auf diese Weise hatten die Kollegiat(inn)en im 2. und 3. Jahr die Möglichkeit, sich auf ihre Forschungsprojekte zu konzentrieren und erste Ergebnisse auf Workshops und Konferenzen zu präsentieren. 2) Die Projekte der Kollegiat(inn)en wurden von einem Team aus drei Personen betreut. Zusätzlich erhielten die Stipendiat(inn)en regelmäßig kollektives Feedback im Zuge der Präsentation und Verteidigung der Dissertationsvorhaben (bzw. der jeweils auf der Agenda stehenden Teile daraus) im Rahmen von Seminaren bzw. Colloquien, die jedes Semester stattfanden. 3) In Kooperation mit der Dahlem Research School der FU Berlin konnte das Pfadkolleg den Kollegiat(inn)en außerdem zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur berufsvorbereitenden Qualifikation anbieten. 4) Darüber hinaus wurde die Lehrqualifikation der Kollegiat(inn)en gefördert, indem sie eine pädagogische Grundausbildung erhielten und in die Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen des Studienprogramms einbezogen wurden. 5) Schließlich wurde den Kollegiat(inn)en durch die Etablierung tragfähiger Kooperationsstrukturen mit wissenschaftlichen Institutionen außerhalb der FU Berlin, auch international, ein unterstützender Rahmen für ihre Forschungstätigkeiten geboten.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2005). How to link up different worlds? Transforming German accounting rules and rule-setting procedures according to international standardization. Paper presented at the Workshop of the Support Center for Open Resources in Education (SCORE), Stockholm, Sweden
Botzem, S.
(2005). Taking the European Road? Transforming regulatory organizations in the field of accounting. Paper presented at the 21st Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Berlin, Germany
Botzem, S.
(2005). Transnational expert-driven standardization: Accountancy governance from a professional point of view. Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Granada, Spain
Botzem, S.
(2006). Acting upon paths: Generating, perpetuating and restricting momentum. Paper presented at the Workshop of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Berlin, Germany
Botzem, S., & Mante, A.
(2006). Catch the end of the cycle: The historical boundedness of organizational decline. Paper presented at the 22nd Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Bergen, Norway
Heine, K., & Rindfleisch, H.
(2006). Contested rules and shifting boundaries: International standard setting in accounting. In M. Djelic, & K. Sahlin-Andersson (Eds.), Transnational governance: Institutional dynamics of regulation (pp. 266-286). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Botzem, S., & Quack, S.
(2006). Desinvestition von Unternehmensteilen aus der Sicht des Ressourcen- und Kompetenzansatzes. In C. Burmann, J. Freiling, & M. Hülsmann (Eds.), Neue Perspektiven des Strategischen Kompetenzmanagements (pp. 221-242). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Decker, C., & van der Velden, R.
(2006). Deviation from the fossil fuel path: The cases of BP and CHOREN. Paper presented at the Workshop of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Berlin, Germany
Strobel, J.
(2006). How to shape markets for fuel-efficient automobiles: Lessons from the success story of diesel cars in Germany. Paper presented at the 22nd Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Bergen, Norway
trobel, J., & Roedenbeck, M.
(2006). Implementing E-HRM: A structurational approach to investigating technological and organisational change. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Electronic Human Resource Management, Twente, Netherlands
Schüßler, E.
(2006). Isomorphie und Entkoppelung im Neo- Institutionalismus. In K. Senge, & K.-U. Hellmann (Eds.), Einführung in den Neo- Institutionalismus (pp.102-117). Berlin: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Becker-Ritterspach, F., & Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2006). Kooperation mit osteuropäischen Unternehmen: Theorie und Praxis vertrauensvoller Zusammenarbeit. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag
Stache, F.
(2006). Messung des Organisationserfolgs. In A. v. Werder, H. Stöber, & J. Grundei (Eds.), Organisations-Controlling (pp. 51-82). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Mellewigt, T., & Decker, C.
(2006). One mechanism does not make a path: Revisiting path dependency’s favorites in a quest for clarity. Paper presented at the Workshop of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Berlin, Germany
Dobusch, L., & Schüßler, E.
(2006). Organisationales Feld und Gesellschaftlicher Sektor im Neo-Institutionalismus. In K. Senge, & K.-U. Hellmann (Eds.), Einführung in den Neo-Institutionalismus (pp. 118-136). Berlin: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Becker-Ritterspach, J., & Becker-Ritterspach, F.
(2006). Path dependence of business-government relations. Paper presented at the 25th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Hamburg, Germany
Siedentopp, J.
(2006). Quasi-irreversibility in the political economy of public pension reforms: A cross country study. Paper presented at the Workshop of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Berlin, Germany
Tepe, M.
(2006). Strategic responses to institutional processes: Path-dependent outsourcing and offshoring strategies in the German clothing industry? Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Trier, Germany
Schüßler, E.
(2006). The relationship between firms and their institutional environment: Coevolution, path dependency and breaking in the case of Airbus Industrie. Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Conference on Corporate Strategy (ACCS), Berlin, Germany
Siedentopp, J.
(2006): Simulating path dependent processes: Extending Arthur's model. Paper presented at the Workshop of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Berlin, Germany
Roedenbeck, M., Nothnagel, B., & Strobel, J.
(2007). Adopter innovation in network markets: The case of Linux in Munich. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Copenhagen, Denmark
Dobusch, L.
(2007). Agency matters, but when and how? Reinterpreting path dynamics of transnational standardization processes. Paper presented at the 23rd Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), Vienna, Austria
Botzem, S., & Mante, A.
(2007). Ansätze zur Messung des Organisationserfolgs. Controlling, 8/9, 433-439
Mellewigt, T., & Decker, C.
(2007). Beyond path dependency: Why and how mineral oil companies support the development of sustainable fuels. Paper presented at 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Strobel, J., & Duschek, S.
(2007). Books for sale? Strategic path dependency in the case of a German book club. Paper presented at the 23rd Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria
Holtmann, P.
(2007). Changes in professional standardization: The role of private actors in international accounting regulation. Paper presented at the 6th Pan-European International Relations Conference of the Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR), Turin, Italy
Botzem, S.
(2007). Complexity and path dependency: The meaning of heuristics in path dependent decision making processes. Paper presented at the 23rd Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria
Koch, J, Eisend, M., & Petermann, A.
(2007). Conditions and functions of an informal international knowledge network: Considerations for ICT support. Paper presented at the Metaphorum Conference 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Jacobs, J.
(2007). Creative commons: The “share alike” community between global norm and local translation. Paper presented at the 23rd Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria
Dobusch, L., & Quack, S.
(2007). Dancing on thin ice: Public management reform activating organizational inertia? Paper presented at the 27th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria
Nothnagel, B.
(2007). Development and measurement of corporate political activity: Indications of a path-dependent development. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS), Florence, Italy
Siedentopp, J.
(2007). Die Pfadabhängigkeitsthese in der vergleichenden Wohlfahrtsforschung. Eine explorative Clusteranalyse. In D. Wagner, C. Lattemann, S. Kupke, & A. Legel (Eds.), Governance-Theorien oder Governance als Theorie? (pp. 165-181). Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag
Tepe, M.
(2007). Digitale Wirtschaft, direkte Partizipation und die Verankerung von Unternehmen in arbeitspolitischen Institutionen (Doctoral dissertation). München und Mering: Hampp
Helfen, M.
(2007). Do German employer associations stabilize collective bargaining? Paper presented at the 23rd European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Vienna, Austria
Helfen, M., & Oberg, A.
(2007). Efficiency, legitimacy and the effectiveness of German employers’ associations. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop of the Neo-Institutional Organisation, Bergamo, Italy
Helfen, M.
(2007). From storytelling to theory: Unlocking path dependency from metaphorical usage. Paper presented at the 23rd Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria
Dobusch, L., & Schüßler, E.
(2007). Harmonizing the regulatory set-up of national accounting standardization: Institutional change in Britain, France and Germany. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), Lisbon, Portugal
Botzem, S.
(2007). Institutional rigidity and the lock-in between mental models and ideologies. Paper presented at the 2007 Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE), Reykjavik, Iceland
Haase, M., Roedenbeck, M., & Söllner, A.
(2007). Inter-organizational routines: Coordinating R&D practices in international alliances. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Organizational Routines: Empirical Research and Conceptual Foundations, Strasbourg, France
Mante, A., & Sydow, J.
(2007). Is there a link between preferences for redistribution and pension spending? On the path to gerontocracy? Voting on old age security in OECD countries. Paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), Kassel, Germany
Tepe, M.
(2007). Macro-convergence and micro-divergence: Path-dependent value chain management in the German clothing industry? Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Copenhagen, Denmark
Schüßler, E.
(2007). Non-market influences and the threat of strategic lock-in. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), San Diego, USA
Nothnagel, B., Koch, J., & Eisend, M.
(2007). On the membership density of German employer associations. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio- Economics (SASE), Copenhagen, Denmark
Helfen, M.
(2007). On the path to gerontocracy? Voting on old age security in OECD countries. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Copenhagen, Denmark
Tepe, M.
(2007). Pfadabhängigkeit im Management: Wie Führungsinstrumente zur Entscheidungs- und Innovationsfähigkeit des Managements beitragen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer-Verlag
Dievernich, F.
(2007). Researching organizational path dependence. Paper presented at the Workshop of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Brussels, Belgium
Jacobs, J.
(2007). Schumpeter vs. path dependency: Innovation lessons from breaking through innovation barriers. Paper presented at the Critical Management Studies Conference 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom
Dobusch, L.
(2007). Spirituality in organizational self-transformation: The case of the Hawai'ian spirituality 'huna'. Paper presented at the 14th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management (ICAM), Niagara Falls, Canada
Roedenbeck, M.
(2007). The impact of national culture on international project management: Scenario development model for intercultural team training in group decision-making. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Phoenix, USA
Krumwiede, D., Voss, R. S., Stöppler, F., & Schmidt, C.
(2007). The political economy of teacher hiring across German states, 1992- 2004. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Verein für Socialpolitik, Munich, Germany
Tepe, M.
(2007). Thirty years after Michael E. Porter: What do we know about business exit? Academy of Management Perspectives, 21 (2), 41-55
Decker, C., & Mellewigt, T.
(2007). Trade-off between corporate political activities and customer orientation: An empirical analysis. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting der Academy of Management (AOM), Philadelphia, USA
Siedentopp, J.
(2007). Unternehmensbilanzierung und Corporate Governance: Die Bedeutung internationaler Rechnungslegungsstandards für die Unternehmenssteuerung in Deutschland. In U. Jürgens, D. Sadowski, G. F. Schuppert, & M. Weiß (Eds.), Perspektiven der Corporate Governance (pp. 358-384). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Botzem, S., Quack, S., & Konrad, M.
(2007). Von der Kommune zur Community: Freie Netze und freies Wissen auf der lokalpolitischen Agenda. In B. Lutterbeck, M. Bärwolff, & R. A. Gehring (Eds.), Open Source Jahrbuch 2007: Zwischen freier Software und Gesellschaftsmodell (pp. 523-530). Berlin: Lehmanns Media
Dobusch, L.
(2007, July). Path dependence in the German cinema market. Paper presented at the 23rd Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria
Blinn, M.
(2008). Acting upon paths: Alternatives, contestation and fragile stability in path dynamic. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Botzem, S., & Mante, A.
(2008). Adoption of network effect technologies as organisational innovation. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Dobusch, L.
(2008). Between vertical integration and modularisation: Crossing Traditional boundaries in the strategic management of value chains. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Schüßler, E.
(2008). Business lobbying and social movements: The rise of voluntaristic self-advocacy in Germany. Paper presented at the 4th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Bergamo, Italy
Helfen, M., & Siedentopp, J.
(2008). Compliance with core labor standards: Explaining (non-) compliance with core labor standards in developing countries. München: VDM Verlag
Hensen, H.
(2008). Corporate Organizational Responsibility: Innovationsmanagement. Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht (10/2008)
Dievernich, F.
(2008). DSL versus Kabel: Informationsexternalitäten als Determinanten von Pfadabhängigkeit und Wechselkosten bei der Adoption von Breitband-Technologien (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Bach, T.
(2008). Dubbing forever? Path dependency of the German film industry through historical events. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA
Schreyögg, G., & Blinn, M.
(2008). Durch Flexibilisierung in die Pfadabhängigkeit: Gordische Knoten aus organisationalen und technischen Strukturen. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Berlin, Germany
Dobusch, L.
(2008). Escaping path dependency: Adoption of network effect technologies as organisational innovation. Paper presented at the 32th Workshop of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Munich, Germany
Dobusch, L.
(2008). From storytelling to theory: Unlocking path dependency from metaphorical usage. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Berlin, Germany
Schüßler, E., & Dobusch, L.
(2008). German resistance to European economic integration? The striking example of utilities. Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Riga, Latvia
Coeurdray, M., & Blanchet, T.
(2008). Implementing E-HRM: A structurational approach to investigating technological and organisational change. In G. Martin, M. Reddington, & H. Alexander (Eds.), Technology, Outsourcing and Transforming HR: Potential, Problems and Guidance for Practitioners (pp. 257-287). Oxford: Elsevier
Schüßler, E.
(2008). Indiens und Chinas Automobilindustrien im Vergleich: Die Rolle staatlicher Industriepolitik. Saarbrücken: Verlag Dr. Müller
Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2008). Information externalities and search behaviour in a dual technology choice model: The Case of German Broadband. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Bach, T.
(2008). Institutional rigidity and lock-in of individual mental models: On the role of knowledge and ideologies. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Haase, M., Roedenbeck, M., & Söllner, A.
(2008). Managing paths: How Shell pursues the development of alternative fuels. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Strobel, J.
(2008). Migration discourse structures: Escaping Microsoft's desktop path. In B. Russo, E. Damiani, S. Hissam, B. Lundell, & G. Succi (Eds.), Open Source Development, Communities and Quality: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress (pp. 223-235), Wiesbaden: Springer
Dobusch, L.
(2008). Migration discourse structures: Escaping Microsoft's desktop path. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Open Source Systems, Milan, Italy.
Dobusch, L.
(2008). Nachsynchronisation: Die Pfadabhängigkeit der deutschen Film Industrie. In M. Hülsmann, & J. Grapp (Eds.), Strategisches Management für Filmproduktionen: Herausforderungen, Strategien, Best Practices (pp. 323-338). München: Oldenbourg
Schreyögg, G., & Blinn, M.
(2008). No Exit: Eine Längsschnittanalyse zur selbstverstärkenden Dynamik in sequentiellen Unternehmensentscheidungen. Paper presented at the 32th Workshop of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Munich, Germany
Schreyögg, G., & Lüttel, J.
(2008). Ohnmacht trotz technologischer Potenz: Pfade informationstechnologischer Selbstentmachtung. In D. Gumm, M. Janneck, R. Langer, & E. Simon (Eds.), Mensch - Technik - Ärger? Zur Beherrschbarkeit soziotechnischer Dynamik aus transdisziplinärer Sicht (pp. 103-118). Münster: Lit-Verlag
Dobusch, L.
(2008). On the political economy of pension privatization: A cross-country study. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Tepe, M.
(2008). Organizational and institutional path dependence in the German clothing industry. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA
Schüßler, E., & Sydow, J.
(2008). Path dependence of dubbing in the German film market: An inefficiency for film distributors. Paper presented at the Conference of the Creative Industries Observatory (CIO), London, United Kingdom
Blinn, M.
(2008). Path dependence of the language transfer technique for foreign films in the German cinema market. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Blinn, M.
(2008). Pfadabhängigkeit als Innovationsbarriere: Entstehung und Entwicklung strategischer Perspektiven. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Berlin, Germany
Schreyögg, G., Sydow, J., Dobusch, L., Theuvsen, L., & Holtmann, P.
(2008). Pfadabhängigkeit im Bankbetrieb. In A. Oehler, & U. Terstege (Eds.), Finanzierung, Investition und Entscheidung: Einzelwirtschaftliche Analysen zur Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft. Wien: Bank Verlag
Schreyögg, G., & Lüttel, J.
(2008). Pfadabhängigkeit strategischer Entscheidungen. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Berlin, Germany
Holtmann, P.
(2008). Pfadabhängigkeit strategischer Entscheidungen: Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des Bertelsmann Buchclubs Deutschland (Doctoral dissertation). Köln: Kölner Wissenschaftsverlag
Holtmann, P.
(2008). Pfadabhängigkeiten auf Märkten: die Perspektive der Nachfrager. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre e. V. (VHB), Berlin, Germany
Eisend, M., Koch, J., Bach, T., Kleinaltenkamp, M., Kuß, A., & Petermann, A.
(2008). Raus aus der Pfadabhängigkeit – rein in die Pfadgestaltung!, OrganisationsEntwicklung, 04, 76-84
Roedenbeck, M., & Holtmann, P.
(2008). Regimes, institutions and temporality in the political economy of welfare reform (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Tepe, M.
(2008). Rethinking lock-in and locking: Adopters facing network effects. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 11 (1), 4-29
Roedenbeck, M., & Nothnagel, B.
(2008). Specialization as an organizational path. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Nothnagel, B.
(2008). Stabilisierung von Hersteller-Lieferantenbeziehungen als pfadabhängiger Organisationsprozess: Kooperative Produktentwicklung in der Automobilindustrie (Doctoral dissertation). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Kuschinsky, N.
(2008). Stabilisierungsprozesse interorganisationaler Routinen: Zur Koordination von FuE-Aktivitäten im Rahmen eines internationalen Joint Ventures. Paper presented at the 32th Workshop of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Munich, Germany
Mante, A., & Sydow, J.
(2008). Strategic inertia through corporate political activity: Consequences of a path-dependent process. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Siedentopp, J.
(2008). Strategic inertia through corporate political activity: Consequences of a path-dependent process. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, USA
Siedentopp, J.
(2008). Strategic inertia through corporate political activity: Consequences of a path-dependent process. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB), Berlin, Germany
Siedentopp, J.
(2008). Strategic processes and persistence: Organisational and institutional path dependence in the German clothing industry? Paper presented at the 4th Workshop of the Neo-Institutional Organisation, Bergamo, Italy
Schüßler, E.
(2008). Strategic rigidity: The interplay of organizational levels in self-reinforcing processes. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Holtmann, P., & Lüttel, J.
(2008). The impact of complexity on path dependent decision making processes: An experimental study. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions, and Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Koch, J., Eisend, M., & Petermann, A.
(2008). The impact of complexity on path dependent decision making. Paper presented at the 2008 Summer Educators’ Conference of the American Marketing Association (AMA), San Diego, USA
Koch, J., Eisend, M., & Petermann, A.
(2008). The impact of complexity on pathdependent decision-making processes: An experimental study. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE), Toronto, Canada
Koch, J., Eisend, M., & Petermann, A.
(2008). The impact of the past on consumer adoption decisions: A buying simulation to measure switching costs and lock-in. Paper presented at the 2008 Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Sydney, Australia
Bach, T., & Kleinaltenkamp, M.
(2008). The sustainability of the small passenger car path in the Indian automobile industry. Paper presented at the 16th Colloquium of the International Network Gerpisa, Turin, Italy
Becker-Ritterspach, F., & Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2008). Trade-off between corporate political activities and customer orientation. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS), Tampere, Finland
Siedentopp, J.
(2008). Transnational expert-driven standardisation: Accountancy governance from a professional point of view. In J. C. Graz, & A. Nölke (Eds.), Transnational private governance and its limits (pp. 44-57). London: Routledge
Botzem, S.
(2008). Windows versus Linux: Markt - Organisation - Pfad (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Dobusch, L.
(2008): Legitimacy needs as drivers of business exit (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag
Decker, C.
(2009). (No) limits to Anglo-American accounting? Reconstructing the history of the International Accounting Standards Committee: A review article. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 34 (8), 988-998
Botzem, S., & Quack, S.
(2009). Are aging OECD welfare states on the path to the politics of gerontocracy? Evidence from 18 democracies, 1980-2002. Journal of Public Policy, 29 (1), 1-28
Tepe, M., & Vanhuysse, P.
(2009). Corporate political activity vs. customer satisfaction? The relationship between market and non-market strategies. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Business Market Management (BMM), Copenhagen, Denmark
Siedentopp, J., & Söllner, A.
(2009). Dubbed or duped? Path dependence in the German film market: An inquiry into the origins, persistence, and effects of the dubbing standard in Germany (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Blinn, M.
(2009). Dynamiken transnationaler Governance: Grenzübergreifende Normsetzung zwischen privater Selbstregulierung und öffentlicher Hierarchie. In S. Botzem, J. Hofmann, S. Quack, G. F. Schuppert, & H. Straßheim (Eds.), Governance als Prozess (pp. 225-249). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Botzem, S., & Hofmann, J.
(2009). Generationensolidarität in alternden Wohlfahrtsstaaten: Eine Analyse der Dynamiken intergenerationaler Solidarität in entwickelten Industrieländern. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung 2008 of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), Sektion Politik und Ökonomie and the Ad-hoc-Gruppe Vergleichende Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung, Cologne, Germany
Tepe, M., & Goerres, A.
(2009). Global Labor. The International Studies Compendium Project. Oxford: Blackwell
Hassel, A., Hensen, H., & Sander, A.
(2009). Gouvernance locale et «path dependence» dans la gestion des services urbains: le cas de l’eau et de l’électricité à Leipzig. Paper presented at the Gouverner le local à l’Est de l’Europe - Acteurs publics et acteurs économiques transnationaux, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Germany
Blanchet, T.
(2009). Health policy in a globalizing world. In R. Ervik, N. Kildal, & E. Nilssen (Eds.), International organizations in social policy: Ideas, actors and impact. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
Schiller, C., Hensen, H., & Kuhnle, S.
(2009). Individuelle Pfade im Management (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Roedenbeck, M.
(2009). Innerverbandliche Heterogenität und die Vertretungswirksamkeit deutscher Arbeitgeberverbände. Industrielle Beziehungen, 16 (1), 5-24
Behrens, M., & Helfen, M.
(2009). Internationale und nicht-staatliche Organisationen im Wettbewerb um Regulierung: Schauplatz Urheberrecht. In: K. Dingwerth, D. Kerwer, & A. Nölke (Eds.), Die Organisierte Welt: Internationale Beziehungen und Organisationsforschung (pp. 230-257). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Dobusch, L., & Quack, S.
(2009). Konsultation statt Beteiligung: Die Bedeutung von Beratungsverfahren für die grenzüberschreitende Standardsetzung im Bereich der Unternehmensrechnungslegung. In A. Sorge (Ed.), Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal (pp. 29-49). Berlin: Edition Sigma
Botzem, S.
(2009). Le secteur de l’eau en Allemagne: entre changements organisationnel et résistance citoyenne. Paper presented at the 3ème congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Paris, France
Blanchet, T., & Coeurdray, M.
(2009). Leadership systems, power and hegemonic masculinity: Processes of stabilization. Paper presented at the International Conference on Leadership through the Gender Lens: Woman, Men and Gender Equality in Organisations, Helsinki, Finland
Erfurt Sandhu, P., & Geppert, J.
(2009). Locked to a decision: Consumers in the path dependence trap. Paper presented at the 22nd Doctoral Colloquium of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Nantes, France
Langer, A.
(2009). Légitimités asymétriques et hybridations organisationnelles face à l'importation de pratiques étrangères: le cas du secteur de l'eau dans l'Allemagne Réunifiée. Critique Internationale, 48 (3), 53-75
Blanchet, T., & Coeurdray, M.
(2009). On institutions, paths, and routes set in stone: The construction of a bridge as a case of path instantiation (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Berthod, O.
(2009). Path dependence in decision-making processes: Exploring the impact of complexity under increasing returns. Business Research, 2 (1), 67-84
Koch, J., Eisend, M., & Petermann, A.
(2009). Path dependence through corporate political activity. In G. Schreyögg, & J. Sydow (Eds.), Hidden dynamics of path dependency: Organizational and institutional path processes. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Siedentopp, J., & Söllner, A.
(2009). Path dependency through relational rents in B2B-relationships. Paper presented at the 48th Conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China
Mallach, R.
(2009). Pfadabhängigkeit in strategischen Entscheidungsprozessen: Die Entwicklung der Bankgesellschaft in den Jahren 1994 bis 2001 (Doctoral dissertation). Berlin: Peter Lang
Lüttel, J.
(2009). Pfadkonkurrenz und Pfadinterferenz im organisationalen Wandel: Studienstruktur- und IT-Reformen in einer Universität (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin Dissertation
Jacobs, J.
(2009). Schulqualität, Schulerfolg und Gesundheit: Ergebnisse aus der österreichischen HBSC-Studie. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 34 (2), 79-88
Griebler, R., Dür, W., & Kremser, W.
(2009). Soziale Netzwerke und Organisation: Die soziale Einbettung des Verhaltens von und in Unternehmen. Managementforschung, 19, 179-220
Helfen, M.
(2009). Strategische Prozesse und Persistenzen: Pfadabhängige Organisation der Wertschöpfung in der Bekleidungsindustrie (Doctoral dissertation). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag
Schüßler, E.
(2009). The development of India's small car path. Management Online Review, Oxford Management
Becker-Ritterspach, F., & Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2009). Transformation globaler Machtstrukturen: Private Organisationen als Akteure grenzüberschreitender Ordnungsbildung. In K. Dingwerth, D. Kerwer, & A. Nölke (Eds.), Die organisierte Welt: Internationale Beziehungen und Organisationsforschung (pp. 263-289). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Botzem, S., & Plehwe, D.
(2009). Uncovering divergence: Management attitudes towards HRM practices and works council presence in German SMEs. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (2), 207-240
Helfen, M., & Schüßler, E.
(2009). When local logics defy global institutions: The defeat of the Unesco World Heritage program in Dresden. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Institutions, Innovation and Space, Edmonton, Canada
Berthod, O.
(2009). Why is compliance with core labour standards in developing countries so low? In E. Ehmke, M. Fichter, N. Simon, B. Zeuner (Eds.), Internationale Arbeitsstandards in einer globalisierten Welt. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Hensen, H.
(2009). Why is economics not an evolutionary science? New answers to Veblen’s old question. Journal of Economic Issues, 43 (4), 867-898
Dobusch, L., & Kapeller, J.
(2009). Widerstände bei der Implementierung von Gender- und Diversity Management. Paper presented at the Conference on Managing Gender and Diversity – Engendering Reflexivity and Change, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Erfurt Sandhu, P.
(2010). CEO turnover and succession as antecedents of business exit. Paper presentation at the 30th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), Rome, Italy
Decker, C., Bresser, K. F., & Mellewigt, T.
(2010). Constructing grey in a World-Heritage site: Pacing the rise of competing rationalities in organizational fields. Paper presented at the Constructing Green Conference: Sustainability and the Places we Inhabit, Ann Arbor, USA
Berthod, O.
(2010). Consumer fanaticism: Concept and measurement. Paper presented at the 39th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark
Eisend, M., & Langer, A.
(2010). Consumer path dependence in high-tech markets. Paper presented at the 23rd Doctoral Colloquium of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark
Langer, A.
(2010). Consumer path dependence in high-tech markets. Paper presented at the Forschertagung Marketing, Graz, Austria
Langer, A.
(2010). Consumption paths. Paper presented at the 7th Marketing Dynamics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Langer, A.
(2010). Discursive un-locking: The recent quest for vehicle electrification in California. Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Haussmann, D.
(2010). Disliked practices: An empirical study on the reverse side of organizational practices (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Rohde, N.
(2010). Does the winner take it all? Technology diffusion and platform competition in the smartphone industry. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation of Diffusion Processes, Vienna, Austria
Meyer, T. G., & Stöppler, F.
(2010). How do different types of control impact franchisees’ and employee-managers’ satisfaction? Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Montreal, Canada
Decker, C., Bresser, K. F., & Mellewigt, T.
(2010). Insolvenz und Rigidität: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse des Verursachungsprozesses von Unternehmensinsolvenz (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Rindfleisch, H.
(2010). Institutional change and continuity in complex federated organizations: The case of Airbus Industrie. Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Arnold, L. M., & Sorge, A.
(2010). Inter-organizational networks and platform competition: A path dependence perspective on social capital and evidence from the smartphone operating systems market. Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Stöppler, F., & Meyer, T.
(2010). Is the "French model" of water management leaking? Path dependence and interorganizational collaboration in the German water sector. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Seminar on Dynamics and Change, Bielefeld, Germany
Blanchet, T.
(2010). Kaskaden der Komplementarität: Pfadabhängigkeit organisationaler und technischer Strukturen. Zeitschrift für betriebswissenschaftliche Forschung, 62 (6), 422-451
Dobusch, L.
(2010). Leadership systems and manager masculinity: Processes of stabilization. Paper presented at the Conference on Gender, Work and Organization, Keele, United Kingdom
Erfurt Sandhu, P., & Geppert, J.
(2010). Learning from disease management programmes: How medical treatments and quality of diabetic care (type II) in Germany are directly and indirectly improved by DMPs. Paper presented at the Annual International Meeting of the International Society of Pharmaeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR), Prague, Czech Republic
Frenzel, A., & Reuter, A.
(2010). Leaving well-trodden path? Emerging regional fields of electromobility in Germany. Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Koll, F., & Rüsike, T.
(2010). Locked in the iron cage? When institutionalization is (not) a path-dependent process. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Montreal, Canada
Berthod, O., & Sydow, J.
(2010). Locked to a decision: What drives individual path dependence? Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Langer, A.
(2010). Nicht wichtig, keine Zeit, fehlende Beweise: Widerstände bei der Implementierung von Gender Mainstreaming und Diversity Management. diversitas - Zeitschrift für Managing Diversity und Diversity Studies, 02, 11-17
Erfurt Sandhu, P.
(2010). Path dependency through relational rents in B2B-relationships: China and Germany in comparison. Paper presented at the 23rd Doctoral Colloquium of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark
Mallach, R.
(2010). Path dependent professional medical routines and its contribution to dysfunctional diabetic care in Germany. Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Reuter, A.
(2010). Path-breaking change through international cooperation? The role of treatment protocols for continuity and innovation in medicine. Paper presented at the 9th Deutsch-Russische Koch-Metschnikow Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia
Stache, F.
(2010). Pfadabhängigkeit und Hierarchie: Zur Durchsetzungskraft von selbstverstärkenden Effekten in hierarchischen Organisationen (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Petermann, A.
(2010). Pfadabhängigkeit versus Innovation? Royal Dutch Shells Exploration alternativer Automobilkraftstoffe als strategisches Pfadmanagement (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Strobel, J.
(2010). Public Affairs-Management von Großunternehmen: Markt- versus Nichtmarktstrategien (Doctoral dissertation). Berlin: Lit Verlag
Siedentopp, J.
(2010). Regionale Unterschiede in der Gesundheit bei Lehrern und Schülern: Ergebnisse aus der Schüler- und Lehrerbefragung des 7. österreichischen Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Survey. Soziale Sicherheit, 63, 35-39
Dür, W., Felder-Puig, R., Griebler, R., & Kremser, W.
(2010). Standards der Globalisierung: Die grenzüberschreitende Regulierung der Unternehmensrechnungslegung als Pfadgestaltung (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Botzem, S.
(2010). Strategic or status quo-preserving business exit: (How) do CEO turnover and succession matter. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Montreal, Canada
Decker, C., & Bresser, K. F.
(2010). Transnational governance spirals. The transformation of rule-making authority in Internet regulation and corporate financial reporting. Critical Policy Studies, 4 (1), 18-37
Botzem, S., & Hofmann, J.
(2010). Trust development in German-Ukrainian business relationships: Opportunities and challenges of dealing with cultural differences in an uncertain institutional context. In M. Saunders, & N. Gillespie (Eds.), Organizational trust: A cultural perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Möllering, G., & Stache, F.
(2010). What drives local resistance to global labels? The failure of the UNESCO-World Heritage program in Dresden. Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Berthod, O.
(2010). When local governments meet global organizations: A pathdependent analysis of the German water sector between stability and change. Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Blanchet, T.
(2010, July). Splitting the pie: Bargaining practices as interorganizational paths? Paper presented at the 26th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lisbon, Portugal
Burger, M., & Sydow, J.
(2011). Analyse von Anwendungslandschaften mit Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs). In H.-U. Heiß, P. Pepper, H. Schlingloff, & J. Schneider (Eds.), Informatik 2011: Informatik schafft Communities (pp. 145-148). Bonn: Köllen
Fürstenau, D.
(2011). Auf dem Weg zu einer Wissensallmende? Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), 28 (30), 41-46
Dobusch, L., & Quack, S.
(2011). Barriers to change in top management teams: The relevance of path dependence for homogenous leadership groups. Paper presented at the 27th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Gothenburg, Sweden
Erfurt Sandhu, P.
(2011). Bestimmungsgründe dysfunktionalen Verhaltens in Organisationen. München und Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag
Witteck, C.
(2011). Can inter-organizational networks become pathdependent? Bargaining over the cooperative surplus in the photonics industry. Paper presented at the 27th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Gothenburg, Sweden
Burger, M., & Sydow, J.
(2011). Complementarity and path dependence: How different types of complementarity affect path dependence. Paper presented at the 27th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Gothenburg, Sweden
Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2011). Consumer path dependence in high-tech markets. Paper presented at the10th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Berlin, Germany
Langer, A.
(2011). Consumer path dependence in high-tech markets: An analysis of the self-reinforcing mechanisms leading to consumer lock-in. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Langer, A.
(2011). Consumer path dependence in high-tech markets: An analysis of the self-reinforcing mechanisms leading to consumer lock-in. Paper presented at the Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference 2011, San Francisco, USA
Langer, A.
(2011). Does quality win? A simulation study on technological path dependence in two-sided markets. Paper presented at the 2011 Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Perth, Australia
Meyer, T. G., & Kleinaltenkamp, M.
(2011). Forms of complementarity: A basic framework. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2011). Freiheit vor Ort: Handbuch kommunale Netzpolitik. München: Open Source Press
Dobusch, L., Forsterleitner, C., & Hiesmair, M.
(2011). Getting the actors on board: Actor-centered research on organizational paths in airbus industries. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Arnold, L. M.
(2011). How does the franchisor’s choice of different control mechanisms affect franchisees’ and employee-managers’ satisfaction? Journal of Retailing, Special Issue Franchising & Retailing, 3, 320-331
Mellewigt, T., Ehrmann, T., & Decker, C.
(2011). How history matters in organizations: The case of path dependence. Management & Organizational History, 6 (1), 81-100
Schreyögg, G., Sydow, J., & Holtmann, P.
(2011). How to motivate people to put their money where their mouth is: What makes employees participate in electronic prediction markets? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78, 1002-1015
Decker, C., Welpe, I. M., & Ankenbrand, B.
(2011). Implementierung von Gesundheitsförderung in Schulen: Organisations- oder Systementwicklung? In W. Dür, & R. Felder-Puig (Eds.), Lehrbuch Schulische Gesundheitsförderung. Bern: Hans Huber
Gugglberger, L., & Kremser, W.
(2011). Impossible to prevent the worst? Path dependent professional medical routines and their contribution to relative inefficient diabetic care in Germany. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Reuter, A.
(2011). Industrial cliques: Agent-based modelling the evolution of structural rigidity in interorganisational networks. Paper presented at the 6th SimSoc@work Meeting, Groningen, Netherlands
Stöppler, F.
(2011). Industrial cliques: The evolution of structural rigidity in interorganisational networks. Paper presented at the 7th SimSoc@work Meeting, Koblenz, Germany
Stöppler, F.
(2011). Instantiating a long constricted path: The case of a bridge construction. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Berthod, O.
(2011). Interorganisational networks and platform competition: A path dependence perspective on social capital and evidence from smartphone operating systems. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Stöppler, F.
(2011). Interorganisationale Netzwerke und digitale Gemeinschaften: Von Beiträgen zu Beteiligung? Managementforschung, 21, 171-213
Dobusch, L., & Quack, S.
(2011). Konsumentenpfade in Hightech-Märkten: Eine Analyse der pfadtreibenden Mechanismen von Konsumprozessen in Hightech-Märkten (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Langer, A.
(2011). Locked to a decision. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Coral Gables, USA
Langer, A.
(2011). Managing change in organizations: Implications from a simulation study of organizational learning and the dynamics of structure. Paper presented at the 7th SimSoc@work Meeting, Koblenz, Germany
Seidel, E. C.
(2011). New competences for the digital age? Music sponsoring routines and technology resourcing of major record companies. Paper presented at the 27th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Gothenburg, Sweden
Kunow, K., Gersch, M., & Koch, J.
(2011). Nothing but the hit. Wie das Organisieren von Pfaden sich mit organisatorischer Pfadabhängigkeit paart: Major Label's Monetarisierung der Musiknutzung. Paper presented at the Herbsttagung der Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Stuttgart, Germany
Kunow, K.
(2011). Opportunismus in Geschäftsbeziehungen: Eine empirische Analyse in der deutschen Automobilindustrie (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Hickel, A.
(2011). Path dependence in B2B-relationships. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Mallach, R.
(2011). Path dependence in organizational learning: The role of social power. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Seidel, E. C.
(2011). Path dependence in organizations: Linking organizational learning. Paper presented at the 6th SimSoc@work Meeting, Groningen, Netherlands
Seidel, E. C.
(2011). Path dependence in two-sided markets. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Meyer, T. G.
(2011). Path dependent platforms: A process perspective on enterprise ecosystem governance. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI), Berlin, Germany
Dobusch, L., & Sydow, J.
(2011). Path-breaking change through international cooperation? The role of treatment protocols for continuity and innovation in medicine. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Stache, F.
(2011). Phases of school health promotion implementation through the lens of complexity theory: Lessons learnt from an Austrian case study. Health Promotion International, 26 (2), 136-147
Kremser, W.
(2011). SOA-Transformation von Anwendungslandschaften: Unterstützung durch UAM. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 48 (278), 68-77
Eckert, K., Fürstenau, D., & Kirchner, L.
(2011). Striking new paths: Theory and method in path-dependent research. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Dobusch, L.
(2011). Temporary incompetence as a path breaking strategy: Major Labels’ routines of releasing records and path dependence. Paper presented at the 7th Symposium of Strategisches Kompetenz-Management (SKM) jointly with the 1st Conference on Competence-Based Management, Linz, Austria
Gersch, M., Koch, J., & Kunow, K.
(2011). The world as a disc? Technology resourcing routines and music majors path dependence. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Kunow, K.
(2011). Towards a framework on multilevel complementarity. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio- Economics (SASE), Madrid, Spain
Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2011). Trapped in the local path? The internationalization strategies of French and German operators in the water sector. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Blanchet, T.
(2011). Unlocking change: The discursive electrification of the US automotive field. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Haussmann, D.
(2011). Using historical methods in processual research on organizations: Empirical issues at stake. Paper presented at the 27th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Gothenburg, Sweden
Berthod, O.
(2011, March). Institutional path creation in emerging regional fields: The case of electromobility in the Berlin region. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Koll, F.
(2012). A guide to paradigmatic self-marginalization: Lessons for post-Keynesian economists. Review of Political Economy, 24 (3), 469-487
Dobusch, L., & Kapeller, J.
(2012). Absorptive Capacity: Eine empirische Analyse von Wissensabsorptionspraktiken in deutschen Hightech-Unternehmen (Doctoral dissertation). Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač
Duchek, S.
(2012). Agents caught in structure: Organizations, globalization, and inequality. Paper presented at the Conference on Understanding Dynamics of Globalization, New Delhi, India
Fortwengel, J.
(2012). Back to the office? Creative work and the paradox of autonomy in a coworking space. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the Art of Management and Organization (AoMO), York, United Kingdom
Blagoev, B., & Costas, J.
(2012). Between home and host country: The dual embeddedness of MNEs. Paper presented at the Joint Conference of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and the European Sociological Association (ESA), Moscow, Russia
Fortwengel, J.
(2012). Business exit and strategic change: Sticking to the knitting or striking a new strategic path? British Journal of Management, 23, 165-178
Decker, C., & Mellewigt T.
(2012). Capacity Building für die Implementierung von Gesundheitsförderung an österreichischen Schulen. SWS-Rundschau, 52 (2), 181-201
Gugglberger, L., Kremser, W., Flaschberger, F., & Dür, W.
(2012). Consumer preference and choice interdependence: A cause of individual path dependence? Paper presented at the 25th Doctoral Colloquium of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal
Schulte, B. K.
(2012). Coping with path dependence: Integrating not yet existing knowledge in higher education ERP systems. Paper presented at the 3rd Advanced KITE Workshop on Knowledge Integration and Innovation, Linköping, Sweden
Schmidt, T., & Fürstenau, D.
(2012). Divergent patterns of institutional entrepreneurship of MNCs in emerging economies. Paper presented at the 28th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Helsinki, Finland
Becker-Ritterspach, F., & Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2012). Diverse patterns of institutional entrepreneurship of MNCs in emerging economies. Paper presented at the 2012 Conference of the American University in Cairo (ACU), Cairo, Egypt
Becker-Ritterspach, F., & Becker-Ritterspach, J.
(2012). Heterodox United vs. Mainstream City? Sketching a framework for interested pluralism in economics. Journal of Economic Issues, 46 (4), 1035-1058
Dobusch, L., & Kapeller, J.
(2012). How inter-organizational networks can become pathdependent: Bargaining practices in the photonics industry. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, USA
Burger, M., & Sydow, J.
(2012). Institutional continuity in German collective bargaining: Do employer associations contribute to stability? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33 (3), 485-503
Helfen, M.
(2012). Lernen aus Disease-Management-Programmen. Monitor Versorgungsforschung (MVF), 05, 40-47
Frenzel, A., & Reuter, A.
(2012). Open Government Data: Eine Initiative der Open-Commons-Region Linz. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 49 (1), 74-83
Dobusch, L., Pawel, S., Pomberger, G., & Riedl, R.
(2012). Organisation matters: Führung als Hyperinklusion. In R. Ortlieb, & B. Sieben (Eds.), Geschenkt wird einer nichts – oder doch? Festschrift für Gertraude Krell (pp. 91-96). München und Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag
Erfurt Sandhu, P.
(2012). Organisation und strategisches Framing privater Regulierung: Urheberrecht zwischen Kreativität und Verwertung. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Special Issue, 46, 273-318
Dobusch, L., & Quack, S.
(2012). Organizational path dependence: The prevalence of positive feedback economics in hierarchical organizations. In K. G. Troitzsch, M. Möhring, & U. Lotzmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation
Petermann, A.
(2012). Path dependence and change in the governance of organized systems: The case of water services in three German municipalities (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Blanchet, O.
(2012). Pfadabhängigkeit in Geschäftsbeziehungen (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Mallach, R.
(2012). Pfadabhängigkeit in zweiseitigen Märkten: Eine Simulationsstudie zu technologischer Pfadabhängigkeit, exemplarisch dargestellt am Plattformwettbewerb in der Smartphone-Industrie (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Meyer, T. G.
(2012). Practice transfer across institutional distance: A case of path creation? Paper presented at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Conference, Cambridge, USA
Fortwengel, J.
(2012). Reframing the governance debate: A multi-level performance measurement approach based on capabilities. Paper presented at the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’12), Barcelona, Spain
Fürstenau, D.
(2012). Regulatorische Unsicherheit und private Standardisierung: Koordination durch Ambiguität. Managementforschung, 22, 43-81
Dobusch, L., & Kapeller, J.
(2012). Serial singularities: Developing a network organization by organizing events. Schmalenbach Business Review, 64, 171-196
Dobusch, L., & Müller-Seitz, G.
(2012). Standardization cycles: A process perspective on the formation and diffusion of transnational standards. Organization Studies, 33 (5-6), 737-762
Botzem, S., & Dobusch, L.
(2012). Strategisches Pfadmanagement: Pfadauflösung und -brechung von Konsummustern. Paper presented at the Forschungstagung Marketing 2012, Siegen, Germany
Siray, S.
(2012). Taking stock: Capability development in interorganizational projects. Schmalenbach Business Review, 64, 171-186
Schüßler, E., Wessel, L., & Gersch, M.
(2012). Temporary incompetence as a path breaking strategy: Major label's routines of releasing records and path dependence. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rotterdam, Belgium
Kunow, K., Gersch, M., & Koch, J.
(2012). The digital public domain: Relevance and regulation. Information & Communications Technology Law Journal, 21 (2), 179-202
Dobusch, L.
(2012). The politics of accounting regulation: Organizing transnational standard setting in financial reporting. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Botzem, S.
(2012). Wesen und Wirken der Wissensallmende. juridikum - Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht Gesellschaft, 2, 215-223
Dobusch, L.
(2012). What drives contract design in strategic alliances? Taking stock and how to proceed. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 82 (7/8), 839-864
Mellewigt, T., Decker, C., & Eckhard, B.
(2012, March). Bridging path dependence and path creation: Towards a structurtionist reconceptualization. Paper presented at the 2012 Workshop of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre e. V. (VHB), Berlin, Germany.
Berthod, O.
2012, June). Bringing the patients back in: Conditions that foster patient involvement in integrated care networks. Paper presented at the 2nd Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research, Milan, Italy
Bach, M., & Reuter, A.
Pfadabhängigkeit in Geschäftsbeziehungen (Doctoral dissertation, FU Berlin), Wiesbaden, Springer, 2012. 255 S. gesamt. - 9783658011314
Mallach, Raphael J.
(2013). (Kaum) Wandel der ärztlichen Verordnungspraktik bei T2D. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie (DGGÖ), Essen, Germany
Reuter, A., Gersch, M., & Quack, S.
(2013). Agent-based simulation analysis of path dependence in corporate IS networks for strategic IT management. In W. Rekdalsbakken, R. T. Bye, & H. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (pp. 340-346). Lancaster: University Press
Fürstenau, D.
(2013). Agent-based simulation as a support for price-setting in passenger transport. In W. Rekdalsbakken, R. T. Bye, & H. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2013 (pp. 333-339). Lancaster: University Press
Kellermann, N.
(2013). Agent-based simulation in marketing: A tool for combining marketing concepts with dynamics and social interaction. Paper presented at the 2013 Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Auckland, New Zealand
Kellermann, N., & Kleinaltenkamp, M.
(2013). Akustisches Kapital: Perspektiven auf veränderte Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen in der Musikwirtschaft. In B. Lange, H.-J. Bürkner, & E. Schüßler (Eds.), Akustisches Kapital: Wertschöpfung in der Musikwirtschaft (pp. 9-41). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Lange, B., Bürkner, H.-J., & Schüßler, E.
(2013). and the hits just keep on coming... Adaptive Erwartungen, Pfadabhängigkeit und -bruch am Beispiel der Vermarktung von Musik durch große Tonträgerunternehmen (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Kunow, K.
(2013). Balanced scorecard. In N. Gronau, E. Sinz, J. Becker, L. Suhl, & K. Kurbel (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Online-Lexikon (7th edition). München, Oldenbourg
Mellewigt, T., & Decker, C.
(2013). Breaking new paths: Theory and method in path dependence research. Schmalenbach Business Review, 65 (3), 288-311
Dobusch, L., & Kapeller, J.
(2013). Capability development by external intervention: Lessons from Leica camera. Paper presented at the 8th Symposium of Strategisches Kompetenz-Management (SKM) jointly held with the 2nd Conference on Competence-Based Strategic Management, Magdeburg, Germany
Keller, A.
(2013). Challenging the imperative to build. In R. Henn, & A. J. Hoffman (Eds.), Constructing green: The social structures of sustainability. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Berthod, O.
(2013). Continuity of expert rule: Global accountancy regulation after the crisis. In M. Moschella, & E. Tsingou (Eds.), Great expectations, slow transformations: Incremental change in post-crisis regulation (pp. 102-131). Colchester: ECPR Press
Botzem, S.
(2013). Die Wandlungsresistenz ärztlicher Praktiken in einem dynamischen Versorgungsfeld: Eine prozessorientierte Analyse ärztlicher Verschreibungspraktiken in der Diabetikerbehandlung (Typ 2) im Zeitraum 1993 bis 2009 (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Reuter, A.
(2013). Durban as a case in point? How international summits maintain the field of climate policy. In L. Dobusch, L., P. Mader, & S. Quack (Eds.), Governance across borders: Transnational fields and transversal themes. A blogbook (pp. 112-114). Berlin: epubli
Schüßler, E.
(2013). Exploring a secretive organization: What can we learn about family offices from the public sphere? Organizational Dynamics, 42, 298-306
Decker, C., & Lange, K.
(2013). Family Offices: eine Alternative für das professionelle Vermögensmanagement. In K.-H. Thielmann (Ed.), Mit ruhiger Hand – Informationen für die langfristige Kapitalanlage, Karlsruhe: Long-Term Investings Research AG
Decker, C.
(2013). Finanzierung der Bildungsforschung. In H. Weishaupt, & M. Rittberger (Eds.), Bildungsforschung in Deutschland: eine aktuelle Situationsanalyse. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Muders, S., & Weishaupt, H.
(2013). Framing standards, mobilizing users: Copyright versus fair use in transnational regulation. Review of International Political Economy, 20 (1), 52-88
Dobusch, L., & Quack, S.
(2013). From event management to the management of events: A process perspective on organized and unexpected field-level events. Managementforschung, 23, 193-226
Müller-Seitz, G., & Schüßler, E.
(2013). From national to commercial borders: The new old problem of through-fares in a liberalised Europe. Paper presented at the Conference of the 11th International Conference of the Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), Kouvola, Finland / St. Petersburg, Russia
Kellermann, N.
(2013). Gradual path-breaking organizational change in Russian healthcare? From centralization to multicenter cooperation in the field of children oncohematology (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Stache, F.
(2013). How do firms develop new capabilities? Moving beyond dynamic capabilities. Paper presented at the 1st DCR Academic Conference on Dynamic Capabilities: a Field of Research at the Crossroads, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Keller, A.
(2013). How inter-organizational networks can become pathdependent: Bargaining practices in the photonics industry. Paper presented at the XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Hamburg, Germany
Burger, M., & Sydow, J.
(2013). Integrating unlocking of organizational paths into an agent-based simulation model (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Obschonka, F.
(2013). Interrelated routines: Exploring the effects of complementarities on routine dynamization. Paper presented at the 29th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, Canada
Kremser, W., & Schreyögg, G.
(2013). IT-based pricing as a capability in a local optimum. Paper presented at the 1st DCR Academic Conference on Dynamic Capabilities: a Field of Research at the Crossroads, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Fürstenau, D.
(2013). Kritische Thesen zu Stakeholder-Dialogen. In G. Schreyögg (Ed.), Stakeholder-Dialoge: Zwischen fairem Interessenausgleich und Imagepflege (pp. 133- 160). Münster: Lit-Verlag
Lohmeyer, N.
(2013). Locked in the iron cage? When institutionalization is (not) a path-dependent process. In G. Schreyögg, & J. Sydow (Eds.), Self-reinforcing dynamics in and among organizations. London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan
Berthod, O., & Sydow, J.
(2013). Lost in IS complexity: When and where IT-enabled capabilities lock in. Paper presented at the Doctoral Consortium of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2013 (WI2013), Leipzig, Germany
Fürstenau, D.
(2013). Measuring and de-locking rigid consumer behavior. Paper presented at the Forschungstagung Marketing 2013, Berlin, Germany
Siray, S.
(2013). Networks of clusters: A governance perspective. Industry and Innovation, 20 (4), 357-377
Schüßler, E., Decker, C., & Lerch, F.
(2013). Nothing but the hit: Pfadabhängige Kompetenzentwicklung und die Adaptions(un)fähigkeit großer Tonträgerunternehmen. In U. Dolata, & J.-F. Schrape (Eds.), Internet, Mobile Devices und die Transformation der Medien: Radikaler Wandel durch schrittweise Rekonfiguration. Berlin: Edition Sigma
Kunow, K.
(2013). Path dependence and the environmental context: An inquiry into the effects of environmental complexity and turbulence on path dependence in organizational learning (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Seidel, E. C.
(2013). Path-breaking change in Russian health care: Organizing effective cancer treatment through multi-center cooperation. Paper presented at the 29th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, Canada
Stache, F.
(2013). Path-breaking regulation practices at the network level: Developments in three healthcare networks in Germany. Paper presented at the XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Hamburg, Germany
Bach, M.
(2013). Patient-centered care as a facilitator for network integration. Paper presented at the 29th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, Canada
Bach, M., & Reuter, A.
(2013). Persistent homogeneity in top management: Organizational path dependence in leadership selection (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin Dissertation
Erfurt Sandhu, P.
(2013). Personalsituation der Bildungsforschung. In H. Weishaupt, & M. Rittberger (Eds.), Bildungsforschung in Deutschland: eine aktuelle Situationsanalyse. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Muders, S., & Weishaupt, H.
(2013). Pfadabhängigkeit im Schulsystem? Eine Analyse von Praktiken der Differenzierung Berliner Integrierten Sekundarschulen. Paper presented at the 3. Bildungssoziologischen Jahrestagung der Kommission Bildung und Erziehung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Wittenberg, Germany
Muders, S.
(2013). Pfadabhängigkeit in Schulen: Praktiken der Differenzierung in Berliner Integrierten Sekundarschulen. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung der Kommission Organisationspädagogik in der Sektion Erwachsenenbildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Marburg, Germany
Muders, S.
(2013). Pfadabhängigkeit in Schulen: Praktiken der Differenzierung in Integrierten Sekundarschulen. Paper presented at the Wissenschaftliches Symposium „Educational Governance aus ökonomischer Perspektive“, Zurich, Switzerland
Muders, S.
(2013). Pfadbruch im Diskurs: Eine Untersuchung institutionellen Wandels am Beispiel des US Automobilfeldes (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität
Haussmann, D.
(2013). Platforming for path-breaking? The case of regional electromobility initiatives. Paper presented at the 11th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Knowledge and Space, Heidelberg, Germany
Sydow, J., & Koll, F.
(2013). Regionale Felder der Elektromobilität: Entstehungsbedingungen und Formationsprozesse (Doctoral dissertation). Frankfurt: PL Academic Research
Koll, F.
(2013). Revenue management for railways: Assessing the effects of pricing decisions by means of agent-based simulation. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA), Warsaw, Poland
Kellermann, N.
(2013). Selbstverstärkende Dynamiken in Netzwerken: Interorganisationale Pfadabhängigkeit von Allokationspraktiken (Doctoral dissertation). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Burger, M.
(2013). Stability in coordinating alliances: Why even ERPCO couldn’t unlock interorganizational path dependence. Paper presented at the 29th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, Canada
Schmidt, T., & Braun T.
(2013). Stabilität braucht Wandel: Pfadbeugung am Beispiel der Arbeitsverteilung von Airbus (A300-A350 XWB). Freie Universität Berlin
Arnold, L. M.
(2013). Staying the consumption course: Exploring lock-in processes under interdependence. Paper presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Service Management and Science Forum, Las Vegas, USA
Schulte, B. K.
(2013). Strategic path breaking: De-locking irrational consumer behavior. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey
Siray, S.
(2013). Temporary incompetence as a path breaking strategy: Two major record companies’ efforts to escape their competence lock-in. Jahrbuch Strategisches Kompetenz Management, 7, 9-33
Kunow, K., Gersch, M., & Koch, J.
(2013). The challenge of reconfiguring interorganizational relationships: Path-dependent partnering in the software industry. Paper presented at the 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference 2013, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Schmidt, T., & Braun T.
(2013). The crisis of corporate social responsibility: A discursive perspective. Paper presented at the 11th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Turin, Italy
Lohmeyer, N.
(2013). The influence of management for breaking organizational paths: A simulation study. In W. Rekdalsbakken, R. T. Bye, & H. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (pp. 347-350). Lancaster: University Press
Obschonka, F., & Petermann, A.
(2013). The puzzling history of corporate social responsibility in Germany: Insights from a systematic historical discourse analysis. Paper presented at the 29th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, Canada
Lohmeyer, N.
(2013). Theorizing path dependence: A review of positive feedback mechanisms in technology markets, regional clusters and organizations. Industrial and Corporate Change, 22 (3), 617-647
Dobusch, L., & Schüßler, E.
(2013). Vielfalt als Wettbewerbsfaktor in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen. Personalwirtschaft, 11 (13), 52-54
Erfurt Sandhu, P., Stein, St., & Mahler Walther, K.
(2013). Vorwärts durch Vernetzung? Der Prozess der Netzwerk- und Unsicherheitsentwicklung im Morgenrot von Cloud Computing. Paper presented at the 2013 Workshop of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre e. V. (VHB), Jena, Germany
Braun T., & Schmidt, T.
(2013). Wissensintensität. In N. Gronau, E. Sinz, J. Becker, L. Suhl, & K. Kurbel (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Online-Lexikon (7th edition). München, Oldenbourg
Mellewigt, T., & Decker, C.
(2013). Workspaces of creative entrepreneurs: Coworking as a new form of social organizing? Paper presented at the 29th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, Canada
Blagoev, B., & Costas, J.
(2014) Trust in transparency: Value dynamics and the reorganization of Baltic financial markets. In S. Alexius, & K. Tamm-Hallström (Eds.), Market values: Configuring values, organizing markets (pp. 63-81). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Botzem, S., & Dahl, M.
(2014). Agent-based simulation in path dependence research: A network-theoretic model. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence 2014, Berlin, Germany
Fürstenau, D.
(2014). Backstage: Organizing Events as Proto-Institutional Work in the Popular Music Industry. Schmalenbach Business Review, October 2014, Volume 66, Issue 4, pp 415–437
Schüßler, E., Dobusch, L., & Wessel, L.
(2014). Barriers to workplace flexibility: Paths in the organization of working time at a management consulting firm. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Blagoev, B.
(2014). Combining marketing theory and path dependence: Measuring and de-locking rigid consumer behavior. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Siray, S.
(2014). Copyright reform and business model innovation: Regulatory propaganda at German music industry conferences. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 83, 24-39
Dobusch, L., & Schüßler, E.
(2014). Costs of partner search and selection in strategic alliances. Journal of Business Economics, 84 (1), 71-97
Mellewigt, T., & Decker, C.
(2014). Dynamics of disassembly and reassembly: An introduction to the Special Issue on digital technology and creative industries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 83, 1-9
Mangematin, V., Sapsed, J., & Schüßler, E.
(2014). Er muss diesen Beruf gerne machen, mit Leib und Seele: Hyperinklusion als Erfolgskriterium für oberste Führungskräfte in einem internationalen Beratungsunternehmen. In D. Hänzi, H. Matthies, & D. Simon (Eds.), Erfolg: Ausprägungen und Ambivalenzen einer gesellschaftlichen Leitorientierung (pp. 176-193). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Erfurt Sandhu, P.
(2014). From dualism to duality, and beyond: Towards a dialectic understanding of stability and change. Paper presented at the International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge, and Capabilities (OLKC), Oslo, Norway
Keller, A., & Martin, A.
(2014). Homogenität und Hyperinklusion im Topmanagement: Organisationale Pfadabhängigkeit in einer Männerdomäne. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag
Erfurt Sandhu, P.
(2014). How do firms develop new capabilities? Leica's rocky road from analog to digital imaging. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, USA
Keller, A., & Schreyögg, G.
(2014). How inter-organizational networks can become pathdependent: Bargaining in the photonics industry. Schmalenbach Business Review, 66 (1), 73-99
Burger, M., & Sydow, J.
(2014). How to become a different kind of company: Dynamic capabilities or path breaking change? Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, USA
Keller, A., & Güttel, H.
(2014). Ko-Spezialisierung in strategischen Netzwerken: Eine pfadtheoretische Untersuchung (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Schmidt, T.
(2014). Linking path dependent lock-in and consumer lock-in in service relationships to elaborate the individual and social levels of lock-in. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Schulte, B. K.
(2014). Managing internal and external path dependence: Exploring effective response strategies. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, USA
Fortwengel, J., & Keller, A.
(2014). Managing path dependent processes? Towards a typology of response strategies. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Fortwengel, J., & Keller, A.
(2014). Mastering competence-destroying change: A review of prominent cases. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Competence-Based Strategic Management, Vienna, Austria
Keller, A.
(2014). Networked institutional entrepreneurship: Legitimizing the apprenticeship practice in a distant environment. Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Vancouver, Canada
Fortwengel, J., & Jackson, G.
(2014). Networked institutional entrepreneurship: Legitimizing the apprenticeship practice in a distant environment. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Chicago, USA
Fortwengel, J., & Jackson, G.
(2014). On melting summits: The limitations of fieldconfiguring events as catalysts of change in transnational climate policy. Academy of Management Journal, 57 (1),140-171
Schüßler, E., Rüling, C., & Wittneben, B.
(2014). One size does not fit all: Entrepreneurial families’ reliance on family offices. European Management Journal, 32 (1), 37-45
Wessel, S., Decker, C., Lange, K., & Hack, A.
(2014). Organizational path dependence in schools? An organizational perspective on schools by practices of differentiation in Berlin secondary schools. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Muders, S.
(2014). Path creation in the passenger transportation industry: What can air learn from rail? Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence 2014, Berlin, Germany
Fürstenau, D., & Kellermann, N.
(2014). Path dependence in complex systems: The case of regulation practices in ambulatory healthcare. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Bach, M.
(2014). Path dependence in emerging industries? Dominant logic development within the German photovoltaic industry. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Witteck, C.
(2014). Path dependence in organizations: An explanation based on interdependence between agentic processes. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Kremser, W.
(2014). Path processes as social processes: A discourse theoretical and analytical approach. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Lohmeyer, N.
(2014). Platforming for path-breaking? The case of regional electromobility initiatives in Germany. In J. Glückler (Ed.), Knowledge and Space Vol. 11: Topographies and Topologies of Knowledge. Berlin: Springer Verlag
Sydow, J., & Koll, F.
(2014). Practice transfer across institutional distance: Dealing with path dependence during the transfer of apprenticeship training from Germany to the U.S. (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität
Fortwengel, J.
(2014). Searching for a path out of distance fares: A review of historical passenger railway pricing and an agent-based simulation study on possible fare amendments (Doctoral dissertation). Köln: Kölner Wissenschaftsverlag
Kellermann, N.
(2014). Shadow IT systems: Discerning the good and the evil. Paper presented at the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv, Israel
Fürstenau, D., & Rothe, H.
(2014). Shifting, balancing, and enabling: Remarks on the changing roles of conflict in creating and maintaining organizational ambidexterity. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Valencia, Spain
Martin, A., & Keller, A.
(2014). Standard diffusion in growing networks: Modeling interaction patterns. Paper presented at the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv, Israel
Fürstenau, D., & Kliewer, N.
(2014). Standard diffusion in networks: A set of models to analyze IT infrastructure path dependence (Doctoral dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin
Fürstenau, D.
(2014). System embeddedness and continuance inertia: An exploratory network analysis. Paper presented at the IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) International Conference on Information Systems, Madrid, Spain
Fürstenau, D.
(2014). Theorietransfer der Pfadabhängigkeit auf die Organisation Schule. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung der Kommission Organisationspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Koblenz, Germany
Muders, S.
(2014). When cospecialization leads to rigidity: Why even SAP couldn’t unlock interorganizational path dependence (newly revised version). Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, USA
Schmidt, T., & Braun T.
(2014). When cospecialization leads to rigidity: Why even SAP couldn’t unlock interorganizational path dependence (revised version). Paper presented at the 2014 Workshop of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre e. V. (VHB), Jena, Germany
Schmidt, T., & Braun T.
(2014). When cospecialization leads to rigidity: Why even SAP couldn’t unlock interorganizational path dependence. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany
Schmidt, T., & Braun T.
(2014). Ärztliche Verordnungspraktiken: Perspektiven am Beispiel der Diabetikerbehandlung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Reuter, A.
(2014, May). Strategic information systems planning as a dynamic capability: Insights from an agent-based simulation study. Paper presented at the 28th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS), Brescia, Italy
Fürstenau, D., Schinzel, J., & Cleophas, C.
(2015): Dynamics of regulation of professional service firms: national and transnational developments. In: L. Empson, D. Muzio, J. Broschak, & B. Hinings (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 3, S. 48-70. - 9780199682393
Quack, S., & Schüßler, E.
Organizing events for configuring and maintaining creative fields. In C. Jones, M. Lorenzen, & J. Sapsed (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 9780199603510. Kap. 15, S. 284-300
Schüßler, E., & Sydow, J.
Staying the consumption course: Exploring the individual lock-in process in service relationships (Doctoral dissertation, Freie Univ. Berlin, 2014). Wiesbaden, Springer-Gabler, 2015. 228 S. - 783658087876
Schulte, B. K.
Arbeitszeitregime im Lock-in? Eine pfadtheoretische Untersuchung der Persistenz überlanger Arbeitszeiten in einem Beratungsunternehmen. Dissertationen FU: 2016, Diss.
Blagoev, Blagoy
Combining marketing theory and path dependence: Measuring and Breaking the Consumption Path (Doctoral dissertation). Dissertationen FU Berlin, 2016
Siray, S.
Instrumentalisierte Verantwortung? Entstehung und Motive des »Business Case for CSR« im deutschen Diskurs unternehmerischer Verantwortung (Doctoral dissertation). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2017. Online ISBN: 978-3-8394-3758-2. 480 S.
Lohmeyer, N.