Training in concept mapping: Relevance for cognitive load, cognitive processes, and learning outcome

Applicants Professor Dr. Jörg Großschedl; Dr. Steffen Tröbst
Subject Area General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
Term from 2017 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 372619479

Project Description

Concept maps are diagrams that represent the semantic structure of a particular content or discipline using concepts (nodes) connected to each other by labelled lines. According to traditional thought in cognitive psychology, researchers assume that concept mapping fosters learning by initiating organization and elaboration as complex cognitive processes. Recently, a series of studies published in high-ranking journals questioned the cognitive basis of the learning efficacy of concept mapping. Studies show that the availability of learning material during concept mapping (in comparison to concept mapping or taking notes after studying the learning material) was harmful for participants' learning achievement. The authors reasoned that processes of retrieval underlie the efficacy of concept mapping as a learning strategy. We criticize that the texts to be learned in these studies were comparatively short. This could have limited the possibility for elaboration during concept mapping per se. Moreover, participants had not been specifically trained in using concept mapping. So, limited familiarity with concept mapping as a learning strategy might have hampered organization and elaboration during learning, increased cognitive load cause, and constrained achievement. Our project aims at examining the robustness of the findings reported above. In a preliminary experiment, we intend to develop an efficient training for concept mapping. In a first main experiment, we plan to vary the availability of the learning material during concept mapping as well as - via training - participants' familiarity with the use concept mapping as a learning strategy. Finally, in a second main experiment, we intend to vary the availability of the learning material as well as the extent of the learning material. In each study, we will measure the impact of the experimental manipulations on cognitive processes of organization and elaboration, perceived cognitive load, and learning achievement. Our project bears relevance for two fields: First, with regard to science education, we will devise an effective and evidence-based training in concept mapping. Second, with regard to psychology, the findings will give insight into the cognitive processes that underlie the efficacy of concept mapping as a learning strategy.
DFG Programme Research Grants