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Optoelectronic Frequency Synthesizer with Femtosecond Diode Laser (oFFeDi)

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2017 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 370491995
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

The project aimed at the investigation and realization of low-noise optoelectronic PLL frequency synthesizers (OEPLL) with mode-locked diode lasers as reference oscillators. Within the project, different approaches for mode-locked laser diode systems were investigated with respect to their jitter characteristics. For the first time, a self-mode-locked diode laser with an external resonator was demonstrated and analyzed, and a comparison of self-mode-locking to passive mode-locking was performed for the first time. However, all diode lasers investigated delivered jitter values that are clearly too high for the application targeted here as an optical reference oscillator. Furthermore, the OEPLL was investigated mathematically and experimentally and it was shown that low-noise mode- locked fiber lasers can be used to realize optoelectronic frequency synthesizers based on the con- cept of the OEPLL with several octaves of tuning range and excellent phase noise. In particular, record values were achieved with respect to the tuning range and it was shown that the phase noise of the OEPLL is significantly lower than that of the best purely electronic frequency synthesizers at a comparable tuning range.



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