We modified our 4 K STM setup to apply rf-voltages of up to 12 GHz to the tip of the STM and automated the determination of the transmission of the rf-voltage from the source to the tunneling junction. By adjusting the rf-amplitude at the source, we can compensate for transmission losses and could achieve a constant rf-amplitude at the junction on the level of few percent over the entire frequency range of the instrument. We studied the gyration of magnetic vortices in Fe islands on W(110) and found a clear resonance, which agrees in amplitude with detailed micromagnetic calculation. The resonance frequency in the experiment was, however, significantly higher than that expected from the calculations possible due to the lack of interface and surface anisotropies as well as strain effects in the simulations. Further, we managed to switch locally small domains in the skyrmion lattice of Fe/Ir(111) using a strong rf-excitation. The switching rate shows a clear frequency dependence with a broad maximum around 0.5 GHz which coincides with our previous magnetic resonance measurements with low rf-excitation showing a resonance at 0.615 GHz. Finally, we found a unique materials system of Co/Ru(0001), which can host isolated skyrmions at vanishing fields, and which does not rely on 5d metals. Here, the DM interaction is weak but also is the anisotropy such that non-collinear spin structures are stabilized. Due to a relatively large TAMR effect, these can be imaged with conventional STM avoiding the magnetic dipole interaction of a magnetic tip with the sample. The large TAMR is due to a spin-polarized surface state experiencing the spin-orbit interaction at the surface. Ultimately, we studied skyrmion annihilation by magnetic fields.