Project Details
Untersuchung der kinetischen, thermodynamischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen in Al und Al-Legierungen
Professor Dr. Dmitri A. Molodov
Subject Area
Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials and their Microstructural Origins
from 2007 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 36555321
Final Report Year
No abstract available
2007 DPG Frühjahrstagung, 26-30 März 2007, Regensburg
Faceting and migration of low-angle <100> tilt grain boundaries in pure aluminum”, Materials Science Forum, 558-559 (2007), pp. 903-908
D. M. Kirch, B. Zhao, D. A. Molodov, G. Gottstein
International symposium “In-situ observation of moving grain boundaries”, 5t. November 2007, Delft, Niederlande
The Third International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (ReX&GG III), 10-15. June 2007, Jeju Island, Korea
“Faceting of low-angle <100> tilt grain boundaries in aluminum”, Scripta Materialia, 56 (2007), pp. 939-947
D. M. Kirch, B. Zhao, D. A. Molodov, G. Gottstein
“Laser powered heating stage in a scanning electron microscope for microstructural investigations at elevated temperatures”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 79, 0439902 (2008)
D. M. Kirch, A. Ziemons, T. Burlet, I. Lishevski, X. Molodova, D. A. Molodov, G. Gottstein