Artificial periodic magnetic structures known as magnonic crystals offer unique possibilities for the investigation of spin-wave dynamics and for signal processing at microwave frequencies. Progressing from studies of one-dimensional planar structures to two-dimensional magnonic crystal systems promises to provide access to the completely new physics of wave propagation in periodic media with magnetically controlled anisotropy. In the project, building on the results achieved in the first funding period, we propose to create two-dimensional mesoscopic magnon-ic crystals and to study wave propagation phenomena inside them. We will first investigate both the scattering of intrinsically anisotropic spin-wave caustic beams and isotropic planar spin waves within the structures. We will move on to tackle the challenge of miniaturizing magnonic crystals for modern magnetic device applications: both micro-sized one- and two-dimensional (i) low-damping ferrite-based crystals and (ii) metallic, CMOS-compatible structures will be created and investigated. The feasibility of controlling the effective spin-wave damping in such devices via parametric interactions with other spin-wave groups and/or external pumping will be verified, and related nonlinear effects will be studied. We anticipate that the project will greatly extend and enrich our understanding of linear and nonlinear spin-wave dynamics in anisotropic periodic structures as well as making significant headway in advancing the field of magnetic crystals towards real-world device applications.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection