Peter Grund (1892-1966) - Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Darmstadt
A German architect under three political systems
Subject Area
Architecture, Building and Construction History, Construction Research, Sustainable Building Technology
from 2017 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 360987462
As a result of the ongoing DFG-research project on the architect Peter Grund many more sources are now available on his work. These new sources have to be included into the research programme. First, there has been identified a part of Peter Grund's papers at the Architectural Museum at TU Munich which was not known publically before. Second, the Peter Grund papers at the City Archives Darmstadt are much larger than originally predicted. Thus we now have about the double amount of plans which have to be registered, digitised and interpreted. Also the amount of building projects has risen about 20%. Furthermore, during the ongoing research a manuscript has been found which was written for a two-volume-oeuvre on urban design. Hundreds of illustrations from the Grund papers can now be combined with this manuscript which needs an extra editing process. Finally, the research findings offer a totally new view on Grund's work during the NS-dictatorship. Thus it was not known yet, that he was for example involved into the planning of the central north-south-axis for Berlin by Albert Speer with some building projects. To include all the new sources and to deepen the research on the now much more prominent work especially during the NS-dictatorship it is necessary to continue the ongoing DFG-research project for one more year to achieve a comprehensive and valuable presentation and interpretation of Peter Grund's architectural and urban design work.
DFG Programme
Research Grants