NORFACE IMCHILD analyzes how childhood circumstances, such as natural endowments, parental inputs and socio-economic backgrounds, influence the educational and labour market outcomes of individuals over the entire course of their life. For this purpose, we draw on the analytical frameworks laid out in the literature branches on “Equality of Opportunity” and “Intergenerational Mobility”. In the first part of the project, we have paid particular attention to the effect of circumstances on influential decisions that mark individuals’ transition to adulthood. Examples of such decisions are educational and occupational choices or decisions regarding family formation. In the second part of the project, we expanded our research focus to later life outcomes including health and old-age cognitive functioning. Furthermore, we have increased our attention towards theoretical aspects of the project in which we aim to reconcile the literature branches on “Equality of Opportunity” and “Intergenerational Mobility”. In the third part of the project, we have continued our work on all three working packages of IMCHILD. Many research projects that were started under the umbrella of NORFACE IMCHILD now move towards their finalization including the submission to scientific outlets. Hence, the remaining time until the project’s conclusion will be used to finalize IMCHILDs working packages and to disseminate results in the research and policymaking community. In the fourth part of the project, we have devoted special attention to dissemination of research findings by submitting and revising papers for publication in peer-reviewed outlets.