Deforestation in neotropical montane rain forests does not only lead to loss of biodiversity, but also to destruction of the socioeconomic basis for livelihood. The project aims at building-up silvicultural and ecological knowledge needed for sustainable management of different forest resources (natural and managed forests, abandoned land) in South Ecuador. The activities consider three complementary research sections: i) management of forest reproductive material of native species; ii) reforestation of different types of abandoned pastures with native species; iii) management of natural forests and potential seed sources. The investigations encompass activities on different scales ranging from seeds, individual trees, forest stands, to ecosystems. In the new phase we will deepen our integrative research in undisturbed und disturbed forest ecosystems with different degrees of degradation. New investigations will focus on clarifying the potential of direct seeding as alternative to planting for restoration of degraded ecosystems and on propagation of woody NTFP crops as supplemental utilisation option. The still existing gaps in the knowledge of the silvicultural bases for sustainable forest ecosystem management will be closed and all results will be consolidated towards regional concepts that contribute to the maintenance of the natural forest resources and its biodiversity, reduced deforestation, sustainable development of the forestry sector, and ensurance of the socio-economic needs of the people.
DFG Programme
Research Units
International Connection