Zuverlässiger Betrieb umrichterdominierter und IKT-durchdrungener Energiesysteme -- von zentralen Strukturen zu agentenbasierter dezentraler Steuerung
Fachliche Zuordnung
Elektrische Energiesysteme, Power Management, Leistungselektronik, elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe
Förderung von 2017 bis 2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 359921210
The objective of this project is to develop an integrated multi-level system control architecture for electricity grids that receives high-level control and optimization targets at various levels of the energy system, processes and distributes them via an agent-based communication and control system down to converter-based generation and consumption units, as well as to grid control centres that implement individual control tasks. At the same time, information on the system state is measured and estimated by the distributed units (converters) and propagated to the agent system that aggregates this information in order to provide an up-to-date and consistent view of the relevant sub-system(s) at each system level. The control and optimization of grid operation, including power flow management, voltage and frequency control, shall be performed in a distributed way by the agent systems. This way, inherent redundancies of the system are automatically employed, potentially offering higher robustness/resilience to communication deficiencies as well as to failure of components.Research questions that will be addressed based on this multi-level system architecture and hybrid control system are the quality of the distributed optimization, the resolution of controller conflicts, the real-time behaviour of the resulting grid control which is based on converters to a large extent, the identification of grid parameters and system state estimation, the overall system management considering system stability and information flow under consideration of unbundling requirements, as well as the structure of control hierarchies and communication between the control levels.