FOR 891:
The Role of Tree and Shrub Diversity for Production, Erosion Control, Element Cycling and
Species Conservation in Chinese Subtropical Forest Ecosystems
Subject Area
from 2008 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 35758305
The Chinese-European Research Unit has started a new forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (BEF) experiment in subtropical forests in China. The objective of this experiment is to analyse the influence of tree and shrub species diversity on ecosystem functioning and services in one of the most prominent diversity hotspots in the northern hemisphere. The studies are carried out in the border region between the two Chinese provinces Jiangxi and Zhejiang (Xingangshan and Gutianshan). Using a species pool of about 100 native tree and shrub species experimental forest stands are planted, varying in both tree and shrub species richness, on a total area of about 70 ha. A range of biodiversity and ecosystem variables will be measured to assess community dynamics and its relation to primary productivity, carbon and nitrogen storage, nutrient cycling and prevention of soil erosion. In parallel, the experimental approach is combined with comparative studies in existing forests. So far, 27 plots have been established in forests varying in diversity and age of the tree layer species. In these plots a total inventory of all woody and herbaceous species has been carried out and the same ecosystem variables have been measured as in the experimental approach. Furthermore, there are numerous supplementary studies carried out in the ten subprojects of the Research Unit. The whole project is realised in a close collaboration between Chinese and European researchers with complementary interests and skills. The joint research will help to resolve one of the most central issues in ecology and global change biology: how plant diversity may be used to establish forests that stabilise the environment and maintain vital ecosystem services in the face of multiple stresses. On the European side, the project involves scientists from Germany and Switzerland from a variety of disciplines such as ecology, botany, zoology, mycology, forestry, soil science, statistics and informatics.
DFG Programme
Research Units
International Connection
China, Switzerland, Thailand
Aboveground primary productivity in forest ecosystems as a function of species diversity and composition
Niklaus, Pascal A.
Effects of forest biodiversity on microbial growth and activity in specific microsites and across the landscape
Buscot, Francois
Effects of woody species diversity and composition on individual plant growth and demography
Härdtle, Werner
von Oheimb, Goddert
Effekte der Baumdiversität auf die Verfügbarkeit, Aufnahme und Nutzungseffizienz von Nährstoffen in einem subtropischen Baumdiversitätsexperiment
Bauhus, Jürgen
Niklaus, Pascal A.
Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael
Integrated Data management
Wirth, Christian
Interplay between the soil microbiome and tree species richness as well as tree species identity in subtropical forests of China
Buscot, Francois
Wubet, Tesfaye
Mechanisms of soil erosion, soil properties and Ecoscape analysis as a function of species richness and species composition in subtropical forests
Assmann, Thorsten
Kühn, Peter
Schmidt, Karsten
Scholten, Thomas
Multi-trophic plant-insect networks in a tree diversity experiment in China
Assmann, Thorsten
Klein, Alexandra-Maria
Plant functional traits and functional diversity as predictors of ecosystem functioning
Bruelheide, Helge
Welk, Erik
Project management and coordination for the European subprojects in the forest biodiversity ecosystem experiment BEF-China
Bruelheide, Helge
The effect of tree species diversity on foliar fungal pathogens
Hönig, Lydia
The effect of tree species diversity on phosphorus availability and cycling
Bauhus, Jürgen
The role of genetic diversity in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships
Durka, Walter
Fischer, Markus
The role of herb layer characteristics and productivity for forest ecosystem functioning
Bruelheide, Helge
Erfmeier, Alexandra
The role of herbivory in mediating ecosystem functions in species-rich forests
Schuldt, Andreas
Towards a rapid assessment of multifunctionality and multidiversity in tree biodiversity experiments using coarse woody debris as model system
Wirth, Christian