Formation and collapse of ejecta plumes from large meteorite impact - a case study at the Ries crater, Germany

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Wolf Uwe Reimold
Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2007 bis 2012
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 35635560


This project aims at obtaining better understanding of the enigmatic and extremely dynamic processes related to formation of impact breccias within the evolving impact crater and vapour plume, and their mode(s) of distribution within and outside of the crater. An innovative two-prong investigative approach has been chosen. This comprises comprehensive and comparative petrographic (including textural) analysis of impact breccias drilled along a profile from the interior to the exterior of the Ries impact structure, as well as numerical modeling which allows to trace movement of material from the original target stratigraphy to its final place of deposition. Significant progress has been made with collection of modal, grain size, particle shape and orientation data, and mineralogical composition and textural observations from the groundmass of suevite, on samples from the FBN 1973, Enkingen, Otting and Wörnitzostheim drill cores. Numerical modeling has so far indicated that the amount of impact melt observed in crater suevite and surroundings of the structure does not satisfy the modeled melt volume. Also, the traditional hypothesis that suevitic impact breccias develop by fallout from an impact vapor plume can not be confirmed with our modeling results. Within-crater processes, such as ground-surge along the crater floor, thus attains enhanced significance. A further outcome of our modeling is that an extensive melt pool must develop within the crater interior. As this is not consistent with geophysical and drilling observations, a new approach to solve this problem is required. We apply for a 1-year extension of this project in order to complete petrographic-textural data acquisition as a prerequisite for data synthesis, and to develop a numerical model for post-impact mass transfer caused by phreato-magmatic type of explosions and related deposition of suevite inside and outside of the crater.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Beteiligte Personen Professor Dr. Dieter Stöffler (†); Professor Dr. Kai Wünnemann