Grain refinement, strengthening and ductility of two phase Al-Mn alloy produced by severe plastic deformation

Applicant Dr.-Ing. Weiping Hu
Subject Area Materials Science
Term from 2007 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 35490517

Final Report

Final Report Year 2008

Final Report Abstract

The purpose of the project proposed here is to explore the possibility of improving the ductility of severely plastically deformed ultrafine-grained Al alloys by controlling the influence of second phase particles (precipitates) and solute elements on microstructure refinement, mechanical behavior (strength, ductility, strain hardening) and thermal, structural, and mechanical stability. From the planned investigations contributive relationships between microstructure, mechanical properties (especially strain hardening and strain rate sensitivity), and SPD processes in two phase Al alloys (Al-Mn-Fe and Al-Zn-Mg) will be experimentally and theoretically established. It is expected that the outcome of the project will deepen our understanding of particle containing ultrafine grained materials and provide new avenues for the processing of stable nanocrystalline materials with desired properties.


  • Investigations on Deformation Behavior and Microstructure of Ultrafine Grained Two Phase Al-Mn Alloy Fabricated by Confined Channel Die Pressing, Materials Science Forum, 584-586 (2008) 697-702
    Mu S., Hu W., Gottstein G.
  • Investigations on Deformation Behaviour and Microstructure of Ultrafine Grained Two Phase Al-Mn-Fe Alloy Fabricated by Confined Channel Die Pressing, 11th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA), 22-26 Sept 2008, Aachen, Germany
    Berghammer R., Hu W., Gottstein G.
DFG Programme Research Grants