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Evaluating Cultural Archetypes in Cross-Cultural Research: A Cultural Intelligence and Human Resource Management Perspective

Subject Area Accounting and Finance
Term from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 354699847
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

From the point of view of core members, the research network has fully fulfilled its objectives in terms of the establishment of new research collaborations and the deepening of existing collaborations. These collaborations resulted in several conference presentations at national and international conferences as well as peer-reviewed international journal publications of studies directly or indirectly connected to the research network. The majority of these studies is related to measurement, determinants, and outcomes of intercultural competence in general and cultural intelligence in particular, one of the core research areas of the research network. While one of the workshops focused on cultural archetypes, unfortunately none of the core members was able to develop a lasting relationship to the respective invited expert in this area and, thus, for this specific aspect of the network no study has been published yet. In addition, several of the published studies included an archetype approach in the initial version of the manuscript but in the revision process reviewers and editors requested to use a different analytical approach, such as commonality analysis, fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, or necessary condition analysis. Although, this resulted in the development of a more heterogeneous set of analytical tools on the side of the members of the network, this external influence hindered the promotion of the archetype approach. This was also mentioned by the specific expert we invited for this particular workshop as one of the reasons why he was less enthusiastic in more strongly pushing a research agenda related to cultural archetypes. However, the members of the network are still working on cultural archetypes and also use this specific theoretical lens in other research areas; and we as a group see currently a positive change towards an archetype approach in international management and international business. With respect to intercultural competence and cultural intelligence, the different research groups established during the workshops are very successful in terms of publications, conference presentations, and the feedback in the community (e.g., the number of downloads of the articles and the number of citations within a relatively short period of time).



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