We propose to develop a scientific approach for the synthesis of new hybrid ultrafine-grained materials with high strength and ductility on the base of a newly developed severe plastic deformation (SPD) processing technique, referred to as High Pressure Torsion Extrusion (HPTE). Such hybrid materials are metal-based composites comprised of two or more constituents. Their properties are crucially determined by the inner architecture, achieved by HPTE processing along with concurrent nanostructuring. Architecturing means processing of gradient materials, i.e. materials with modified microstructure (and sometimes, phase composition) in particular areas of the sample, and/or introduction of structural elements (reinforcements) with specially designed shape. There is every reason to expect that these materials will possess outstanding mechanical, physical and functional properties, which is of crucial relevance for engineering applications in terms of reliability and lifetime issues. As model materials pure copper, Cu-Ag and Al alloys as well as plain carbon steel will be used to demonstrate various kinds of inner specimen architectures. The experimental work on the processing, structure and mechanical properties will be complemented by numerical simulations. Besides the measurements of mechanical properties of hybrid materials, the details of their structure will be determined by using XRD, EBSD/SEM, as well as conventional and analytic TEM. As a result of the project innovative processing techniques can be expected. Further close cooperation with universities in Melbourne (Australia, theory of nanostructured hybrid materials), Metz (France, microstructure simulations) und Donetsk (Ukraine, mechanical properties simulations) round up the proposed work.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Australia, France, Ukraine
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
2900 Statische und quasistatische Prüfmaschinen und -anlagen