The main aim is the continuation of the publication of the hieroglyphic texts and the decorative elements of the Upper Egyptian temple of Kom Ombo from Graeco-Roman times. During the period of further funding, all elements of the 10 columns of its Small Hypostyle Hall are to be documented epigraphically and published as a sub-volume "Kom Ombo III, Fasc. 2", while the contents of the walls and doors of this room are still being edited as part of the current project and then appear as "Kom Ombo III, Fasc. 1". To reach this aim, the following steps are necessary and to be done in a period of 12 months:1) Digital drawing of the 10 columns and of their abaci based on photogrammetric images.2) Correction of the hieroglyphic pre-edition of columns 1-7 based on the collation done in October 2019. Pre-edition of columns 8-10 and of all abaci based on the photographic images. Translation of the columns and abaci to check the readings.3) Digital drawing of hieroglyphic variants found in the texts.4) Field research for collating the drawings and texts already done.5) Drawing of locating plans.6.1) Correction of the texts of the columns and abaci.6.2) Correction of the figures of the columns and abaci.7) Discussion of the texts of the edition.8) Preparation of the images of the edition and the plate volume.9) Editing and sending of the manuscripts.10) If necessary, revision of the manuscripts after review an/or continuation of the secondary aims (a-d).Secondary aims:a) Completion of the corrigenda volume of "Kôm Ombo I".b) Input of translations without a detailed commentary of "Kom Ombo" into the TLA.c) Preparation of translations of "Kom Ombo III" for the future input into the TLA.[d) in the presence on site: continuation of conservation of the temple, especially by continuous building of mastabas for maintaining of the single monuments within the temple area]
DFG Programme
Research Grants