We will investigate the origin of neutron stars by tracing back their flight path to their place of origin in a supernova (SN). The SN location can be found either, when the past flight path crosses an OB association, and/or when a neutron star and a runaway star were at the same time at the same place, hence providing evidence for a SN in a binary releasing both stars. Furthermore, we will systematically search for runaway stars of any spectral type in SN remnants. We will study the dynamics and kinematics of SNe in binaries including the spin-kick alignment. The flight time of the neutron star, as kinematic age, is also a better age constraint than the characteristic spin-down age; the comparison of both enables us to derive the initial spin period and/or the braking index of the neutron star. We also search for new suitable neutron stars (mainly radio pulsars) with novel techniques such as joint imaging/timing observations with LEAP or MeerKAT.
DFG Programme
Research Grants