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Motivational orientation in adulthood: Correlates and mechanisms of age-related differences in approach and avoidance

Subject Area Developmental and Educational Psychology
Term from 2006 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 34958454
Final Report Year 2012

Final Report Abstract

Aging is typically associated with deficits in attention and memory. During my postdoctoral research at Yale University, I investigated how this pattern of agerelated decline in attention and memory loss is importantly qualified when considering information that is motivationally or emotionally relevant. In particular, my research, in which I used a range of methods that combined self-report, behavior observation and neuroimaging techniques, suggests that both young and older adults show attention and memory biases for own-age compared to other-age faces with important behavioral consequences (e.g., in terms of the ability to read facial emotions in others). In my future work, I will further extent this research, by specifically targeting several of the potentially underlying mechanisms identified in my work so far (e.g., familiarity, self-reference), with the goal to get a better understanding of the processes that lead to attention and memory biases in samples of young and older adults and age-related shifts in motivational-emotional orientation referring to developmental change processes in brain and behavior.



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