Eastern Mediterranean continental collision: The role of the Fethiye-Burdur fault zone in the neotectonic evolution of SW Turkey

Antragsteller Dr. Johan H. ten Veen
Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2011
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 34752586


Erstellungsjahr 2011

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

SW Turkey is characterized by a complex mosaic of tectonic zones that result form a multistage neotectonic deformation. One of these complex zones, the Fethiye Burdur Fault Zone (FBFZ), is the main research subject of this thesis. The southwestern part of the FBFZ, which constitutes the Esen Basin, is moderately-well studied and the spatial and lemporal relationships between the different tectonic processes that converge in this area are poorly understood. Therefore, the Esen basin has a key position within the FBFZ and understanding its tectonic evolution may help to unravel the complexity of the larger region. The overall aim of this project is to provide a reliable seismic hazard assessment for the Esen basin and its surroundings based on information that pertains to the geological, historical and recent time scales. In this thesis geological, palaeoseismological, archaeologocial and seismological data are brought together to demonstrate tectonic activity in the neotectonic Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone for the different time scales. The approach here presented is innovative as it builds on integration of several disciplines and techniques in both earth sciences and archaeology that will enable the development of an improved methodology for extending neotectonic studies over a larger time period. First, geological evidence from the basin is presented that indicates an ongoing E-W extensional tectonic regime with oblique components from Late Miocene until Holocene. Next to this a seismotectonic background study for the the Esen basin and surroundings is conducted, which compiles various tectonic and seismological data from published catalogues. The stress inversion calculation of 36 focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes in the region indicate hat the E-W trending extensional is prevalent at present as well. This rejects the long-debated assumption that the FBFZ represents a strike-slip fault zone. Seismic activity in historical times is proven through archaeoseismological research at the ancient city of Pinara that is located along the wesiern basin margin fault of the Esen Basin. This line of research includes a logic-tree approach, geophysical surveying of the site using ground-based light deteclion and ranging system (LIDAR) and engineering modelling of laserscanned damaged structures to determine the origin of deformation. All techniques provide information that enable assessment of the probability that the Pinara site recorded earthquakes in historic times. The quantitative logic-tree methodology proves the high earthquake-recording potential of Pinara and thus its suitability for conducting archaeoseismological studies. The archaeoseismological evidence supports that the city has been affected by at least three earthquakes with intensity Vlll - IX (MSK) since about the 5th century B.C. Furthermore, the numerical experiments indicate that the rotation of the Arttumpara's sarcophagus is most likely caused by an anthropogenic effect and not by eartquakes. This approach underlines the necessity of a quantitative evaluation of damaged structures to avoid exaggerate the effects of eartquakes. Notwithstanding, most of the structures al Pinara show damages and deformations, which can only be caused by one or more of the historic earthquakes. The evidence of continuous strong tectonic activity from Late Miocene until historical time and the intense recent regional seismicity proves that major seismic activities can take place in-and-around the Esen basin. Despite a long period of seismic quiescence, the identification of an 'active' fault with the potential to generate large earthquakes necessitates re-evaluation of the seismic hazard potential currently assigned to the area.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Geological and Archaeoseismological Evidence of Neotectonic activity in the Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone (Esen Basin, SW Turkey). Tectonics Studies Group Annual Meeting, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 8-11 January, 2008
    Yerli B., ten Veen J. H., Sintubin M.
  • Multi-stage Coarse-grained Fluvial Sedimentation in Response to the Neotectonic Evolution of the Esen Basin (Late Miocene - Quaternary, SW Turkey). 26th IAS Regional Meeting and SEPM-CES Sediment 2008-Bochum. SDGG Heft 58, Abstract Volume, 301 pp., 1-3 September, 2008
    Yerli B., ten Veen J. H., Alcicek, M. C.
  • Preliminary Results of Geological and Archaeoseismological Evidence of Neotectonic activity in the Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone (Esen Basin, SW Turkey), EGU2008-A-01404; IS63 - TS5/SM26-1TH4O-002, EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 13-18 April, 2008
    Yerli B., ten Veen J. H., Sintubin M.
  • Quantitative Assessment of Seismically Induced Damage using LIDAR, A Case Study at the Archaeological Site of Pinara (SW Turkey). ESC 2008. 31st General Assembly, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, Oral and Poster Abstracts, p. 288, 8 September 2008
    Yerli, B., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, M., Karabacak, V., Yalciner, C, Altunel, E.
  • (Semi) Quantitative Assessment of Seismically Induced Damage at the Archaeological Site of Pinara (SW Turkey), 62nd Geological Kurultai of Turkey, MTA-Ankara, Turkey, 13-17 April 2009
    Yerli, B., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, M., Karabacak, V., Yalciner, C., Altunel, E.
  • (Semi) Quantitative Assessment of Seismically Induced Damage at the Archaeological Site of Pinara (SW Turkey), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2009
    Yerli, B., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, M., Karabacak, V., Yalciner, C., Altunel, E.
  • 2009. Quantitative methods in archaeoseismology. In: R. Pérez-López, C. Grützner, J. Lario, K. Reicherter, and P.G. Silva (edts.), Archaeoseismology and Palaeoseismology in the Alpine-Himalayan Collisional Zone, Baelo Claudia, Cadiz Spain. Abstracts Volume p. 50-51
    Hinzen, K.-G., C. Fleischer, S. K. Reamer, S. Schreiber, S. Schütte, and B. Yerli
  • 2009. Testing the Hypothesis of Earthquake-Related Damage in Structures in the Lycian Ancient City of Pinara. SW Turkey. In: R. Pérez-López, C. Grützner, J. Lario, K. Reicherter, and P.G. Silva (edts.), Archaeoseismology and Palaeoseismology in the Alpine-Himalayan Collisional Zone, Baelo Claudia, Cadiz, Spain. Abstracts Volume, p. 173-186. ISBN: 978-84-7484-217-3
    Yerli, B., Schreiber, S., Hinzen. K.-G., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, M.
  • 2010, Anthropogenic versus Seismogenic Causes of the Rotation of a Lycian Sarcophagus in Pinara, SW-Turkey. EGU General Assembly 2010, 2-7 May. 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p. 8136
    Hinzen, K.-G., Schreiber, S., Yerli, B.
  • 2010, Assessment of seismically induced damage using LIDAR: the ancient city of Pinara (SW Turkey) as a case study, In: Ancient Earthquakes, (Eds.) Sintubin, M., Stewart, I.S., Niemi, T. M., and Altunel, E., Geological Society of America, Special Paper 471, p. 157-170
    Yerli, B., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, M., Karabacak, V., Yalciner, C, Altunel, E.
  • 2010. Quantitative Methods in Archaeoseismology, Quaternary International Special Issue. Earthquake Archaeology and Palaeoseismology, (Eds.) P. G. Silva, M. Sintubin and K. Reicherter, Quaternary International
    Hinzen, K.-G., Fleischer, C., Reamer, S. K., Schreiber, S., Schütte, S., Yerli, B.
  • 2010. The Lycian Sarcophagus of Arttumpara, Pinara (SW-Turkey) - Testing Seismogenic and Anthropogenic Damage Scenarios, BSSA, v. 100. n. 6, p. 3148-3164
    Hinzen, K.-G, Schreiber, S., Yerli, B.
  • 2011. Testing a logic tree approach for archaeoseismology to the Ancient City of Pinara (SW Turkey), Quaternary International Special Issue, Earthquake Archaeology and Palaeoseismology. (Eds.) P. G. Silva, M. Sintubin and K. Reicherter, Quaternary International
    Yerli, B., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, M.
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Beteiligte Person Professor Dr. Adrian Immenhauser