Since 2003, the Egyptian-German joint mission "The Asyut Project" has been conducting archaeological fieldwork on Gebel Asyut al-gharbi in the necropolis of the ancient town of Asyut in Middle Egypt. One of the tombs examined, the Tomb of the Dogs, houses thousands and thousands of buried animals from the Late Period (7th century BCE) to the Roman Period (c. 2nd century CE).The massively disturbed and plundered tomb was located during a survey in 2008. The most frequently identified animaltaxa fromthe Tomb of the Dogs is canid (dog Canis lupus f . famitioris, African wolf Canis oureus lupaster and foxVulpes sp.), followed by cat (Felis sp.). Birds of prey and crocodile were also found in relation to the mummies. Animal mummies, animal bones, the tomb architecture, objects in relation to canids, and Demotic ostraca are presented in this volume by Chiori Kitagawa, Jochem Kahl and Günter Vittmann.
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