Hybrid separation processes: modeling and design of membrane-assisted distillation
Subject Area
Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
from 2017 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 56091768
The project objective is the development of a systematic design method for membrane-assisted distillation process-es. Building up on the results of the SFB TR63, suitable membrane processes and potential combinations with distil-lation will be identified and evaluated. The anticipated design method facilitates a targeted integration of the experi-mental characterization of separation processes with optimization-based evaluation of process variants. Instead of focusing on a specific membrane technology it will cover a wide range of membrane separations. The process de-sign method requires the identification of the necessary modelling depth of each separation unit. An extensive exper-imental program on multicomponent distillation in packed columns, performed at the industrial partner supports the theoretical studies on modelling accuracy of distillation, using different modelling approaches.
DFG Programme
CRC/Transregios (Transfer Project)