Taking on the perspective of a constructivist sociology of social problems, this project intends to study knowledge relations and politics of knowledge within the current regulatory regime of prostitution in Germany from 1985 to 2017, using the theoretical-methodological framework of the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse as a basis for analysis. It will examine discursive conflicts at a federal level as well as in four select federal states and individual municipalities within them. The central questions in the planned study on this discussion and its wide-ranging sociopolitical implications are: how is a consensus regarding what is or what is not reliable fact regarding prostitution and regulatory deficits established at different political-administrative levels (federal levels, four select states and municipalities) and in public debate? Which forms of knowledge are used problematize prostitution by showing evidence of problems, justifying a need for action, and legitimizing intervention strategies? Which ethical and moral patterns of evaluation and public order (e.g., human rights, protective rights, the right to self-determination and to be acknowledged) are used to evaluate factual knowledge and how is it connected to other forms of knowledge?
DFG Programme
Research Grants