Development and implementation of a production planning and control for rush orders in the industrial application
Subject Area
Production Systems, Operations Management, Quality Management and Factory Planning
from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 341428046
The control of rush orders is of great industrial relevance. The basic research project shows how to determine the throughput times for rush and normal orders and define a critical share of rush orders. With a prototypical order acceptance and scheduling as well as a suitable manufacturing control both rush and normal orders can be completed on schedule in a simplified manufacturing environment (simulation). Various shortcomings need to be overcome for the transfer into practice: (1) There is so far no order acceptance and scheduling method existing that supports the handling of rush orders in practice. (2) The critical share of rush orders does not necessarily reflect an economically reasonable share of rush orders, since this is dependent on market conditions. (3) The previous modeling does not consider influences that frequently occur in practice and that have a great impact on the throughput time of rush orders. (4) To successfully integrate rush orders into practice and to ensure schedule reliability, a suitable configuration of the production planning and control is necessary. (5) The complex modeling of the basic research project has to be overcome to facilitate the implementation for the practitioner.The question is how to clear the deficits and transfer the modeling results into practice. In cooperation with the KSG Leiterplatten GmbH following sub-goals have to be achieved: (1) the modeling has to be extended to handle industrial conditions that have a major influence on the throughput time and tools to facilitate the application of the modeling have to be developed. (2) A method for determining an economically reasonable share of rush orders based on requested delivery times has to be developed. (3) Multiple order acceptance and scheduling methods have to be developed and tested for their practicability. (4) In addition, the extended modelling has to be applied with the industrial partner in a defined area of the company. This also includes the configuration of Production Planning and Control. Through guidelines industrial companies can profit from the findings of the research project and the extension of the transfer project.
DFG Programme
Research Grants (Transfer Project)