The goal of this project is to investigate and compare the physical properties and mineralogy of the lithological units of Lake Junin sediments by downhole logging data and core samples from the ICDP Lake Junín drilling project, in order to better understand the influence of climate changes to sedimentation rates. In more detail, our aim is to improve the use of downhole logging data as a tool to determine (i) the physical properties of Lake Junín sediments, (ii) the age depth relationship based on cyclostratigraphic characteristics, and (iii) mineralogical and geochemical characteristics for comparisons with core samples.To achieve these goals, we will use cluster analysis to identify the geophysical properties in the lacustrine sediments with a dedicated algorithm developed at GFZ, spectral analysis of downhole logging data to investigate paleoclimatic implications, and mineralogical and geochemical analyses of clay minerals in core samples, to compare them with small and large scale mineralogical trends observed in logging data. This information will be used to investigate the geological history of the Lake Junín and the relationship with climate changes. We also intend to strengthen the value of the in situ borehole measurements as a key and complementary research to the standard scientific researchers in this topic giving a prominent scientific research.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes