Korrelation der elektrischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften ultradünner heteroepitaktischer Halbleiter - Isolator - Halbleiter (H-I-H) - Systeme
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2007 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 33832024
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Die reiche Physik und Chemie von Oxidheterostrukturen erlaubt im grossen Masse, die Eigenschaften des Oxidpuffers für die nachfolgende Halbleiterheteroepitaxie masszuschneidern. Zum Beispiel erlaubte das Pr2-xYxO3 (x = 0-2) Oxidheterostruktur folgende experimentelle Durchbrüche zu realisieren:
• Nach dem Verständnis, dass hex-Pr2O3(0001) Filme als Oxidpuffer für die Integration von Si und Ge Halbleitersystemen aufgrund der Problematik der Stapelzwillinge ungeeignet sind, konnte unter Ausnutzung der Polymorphie des Pr2O3 Systems eine kubische Pr2O3 Oxidheterostruktur präpariert werden, die in eindeutiger Weise die Stapelfolge an den aufwachsenden Si bzw. Ge vermittelt.
• In Bezug auf die nachfolgende Integration von Si bedurfte es der Kontrolle der Grenzflächenreaktion zwischen Si und Pr2O3, was durch isomorphes Y2O3 erzielt wurde. Es konnten atomar flache epi-Si(111) Filme aufgewachsen werden, die sogar eine (7x7) Rekonstruktion aufwiesen. Y2O3 / Pr2O3 Bilagen Puffer wurden im folgenden dazu verwendet, i.b. verspannte Si Filme mit definiertem Verspannungsgrad zu erzeugen. PrYO3 Mischoxide wiederum dienten dazu, vollkommen gitterangepasste Si Filme wachsen zu können.
• In Bezug auf die nachfolgende Integration von Ge bedurfte es eines tiefen Verständnisses der komplexen Ge / Pr Oxide Wechselwirkung, um atomar glatte Ge Filme integrieren zu können. Ein Vorteil der Ge Integration mittels Oxidheterostrukturen ist eindeutig, dass der Oxidpuffer nicht nur als Epitaxievermittler dient, sondern auch als Diffusionsbarriere gegen parasitäre Si Diffusion. Ein Nachteil ist z. Zt. sicherlich, dass die erreichbaren Defektdichten zirka 2 bis 3 Grössenordnungen grösser sind als heutzutage mit alternativen Ge Integrationsansätzen (SiGe Puffer, strukturierte Wafer-Ansätze etc.) prinzipiell erreichbar sind. Folglich gelang es uns in unseren elektronischen Messungen aufgrund der zu hohen Defektdichte nicht, eine eindeutige Korrelation zwischen Defektstrukturen und elektronischen Eigenschaften abzuleiten.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Heteroepitaxial Praseodymium Sesquioxide Films on Si(111): A new model catalyst system for praseodymium oxide based catalysts, Surface Science 601, 1473 (2007)
A. Schaefer, T. Schroeder, G. Lupina, Y.V. Borchert, J. Dabrowski, Ch.Wenger, and M. Baeumer
Self assembled Ge nanocrystals on high-k cubic Pr2O3 (111) / Si(111) support systems, Journal of Applied Physics 102, 034107 (2007)
T. Schroeder, I. Costina, A. Giussani, O. Seifarth, Ch. Wenger, P. Zaumseil, C. Mocuta, T.H. Metzger, D. Geiger, and H. Lichte
“Band gap determination and electronic structure of thin Praseodymium oxides films on Si”, December 2007, BESSY II 2007 User Meeting, Berlin (Germany)
O. Seifarth
“Creating Strain in epitaxial Silicon Layers via Oxide Lattice Mismatched Oxide Heterostructures”, September 2007, German Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Research Center Jülich, Germany
O. Seifarth
“Electrical Characterization of cubic PrO2 (111) films on Si(111)”, August 2007, Surface & Interface Science Seminar at the University of Osnabrück, Germany
O. Seifarth
“Self-assembled Ge Nanodots on high-k Pr2O3 (111) / Si(111) support systems”, March 2007, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg (Germany)
A. Giussani
“Single Crystalline Semiconductor - Insulator - Semiconductor Structures: Interface and Lattice Engineering Approaches “, IHP-Workshop "Neue Entwicklungen in Röntgendiffraktometrie und -topographie", Frankfurt (Oder), 24th April, 2007, Germany
T. Schroeder
“The influence of lattice oxygen on the initial Ge growth behaviour on cubic PrO2 (111) films, August 2007, Surface & Interface Science Seminar at the University of Osnabrück, Germany
A. Giussani
“Towards high quality epi-SiGe / high-k dielectrics / Si(111) Heterostructures: Interface Engineering by amorphous dielectrics and Lattice Matching by mixed Epitaxial Oxides”, 5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, Marseille (France), (May 2007)
T. Schroeder
A complex X-ray characterization of heteroepitaxial silicon / insulator / silicon (111) structures, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 023532 (2008)
P. Zaumseil and T. Schroeder
Epitaxy of single crystalline PrO2 films on Si(111), Applied Physics Letters 93, 032905 (2008)
T. Weisemoeller, C. Deiter, S. Gevers, F. Bertram, A. Giussani, P. Zaumseil, T. Schroeder and J. Wollschläger
Heteroepitaxial Integration of Single Crystalline Ge(111) Layers on Si(111) via PrO2(111) Heterostructures, Electrochemical Society Transactions 16, 287 (2008), 3rd International "SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices" Symposium - 214th ECS Conference - Honolulu, Hawaii, October, 2008, USA
A. Giussani, O. Seifarth, P. Rodenbach, P. Zaumseil, G. Weidner, H.-J. Müssig, P. Storck and T. Schroeder
Lattice engineering of dielectric heterostructures on Si by isomorphic oxide - on - oxide epitaxy, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 084102 (2008)
T. Schroeder, I. Costina, P. Storck, A. Wilke, O. Seifarth, A. Giussani, H.-J. Müssig and P. Zaumseil
Stacking twin suppression in epitaxial Si(111) / Insulator / Si(111) Heterostructures, New Journal of Physics 10, 113004 (2008)
T. Schroeder, P. Zaumseil, O. Seifarth, A. Giussani, G. Weidner, H.-J. Muessig, J. Dabrowski, P. Storck,, D. Geiger and H. Lichte
The influence of lattice oxygen on the initial growth behaviour of heteroepitaxial Ge layers on single crystalline PrO2 (111) / Si(111) support systems, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 084110 (2008)
A. Giussani, O. Seifarth, P. Rodenbach, H.-J. Müssig, P. Zaumseil, T. Weisemöller, C. Deiter, J. Wollschläger, P. Storck and T. Schroeder
X-ray Characterization of the Lattice Perfection of Heteroepitaxial Semiconductor-Insulator-Semiconductor Structures, Solid State Phenomena 131, 619 (2008)
P. Zaumseil, G. Weidner and T. Schroeder
“100% epi-Ge layers on engineered oxide heterostructures on Si”, February 2008, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin (Germany)
P. Rodenbach
“A complex X-ray characterization of epitaxial Ge / Pr2O3 / Si(111) Heterostructures”, September 2008, 9th Biennial Conference on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging (XTOP), Linz (Austria)
P. Zaumseil
“A complex X-ray characterization of the lattice perfections of epitaxial Si – insulator – Si(111) heterostructures”, May 2008, 4th International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM), Hsinchu (Taiwan)
P. Zaumseil
“Band gap and electronic structure determination with XAS & UPS of thin single crystalline epitaxial Pr-oxide films on Si (111)”, June 2008, 15th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDiM), Berlin (Germany)
O. Seifarth
“Electronic Band gap of PrO2 / Pr silicate heterostructures on Si(111) by XAS & UPS”, December 2008, Berlin (Germany). BESSY II User Meeting, Berlin (Germany)
O. Seifarth
“Engineered Si wafers. Growth, Structure and Defects of single crystalline Ge layers integrated on Si(111) via oxide heterostructures, Institute Seminar of the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin (Germany), September 2008
T. Schroeder
“Engineered Si wafers: On the role of oxide heterostructures for the integration of alternative semiconductors on the Si material platform, 5th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology of Silicon Materials, Kona Hawaii (USA), November 2008
T. Schroeder
“Engineered Si Wafers: SOI & GOI Systems via Engineered Oxide Heterostructures, 3rd Sino-German Workshop: The Silicon Age – Silicon for Microelectronics, Photonics and Photovoltaics, Hangzhou (China), June 2008
T. Schroeder
“Engineered Si Wafers: SOI & GOI via Oxide Heterostructures”, June 2008, 15th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDiM), Berlin (Germany)
A. Giussani
“Engineered Si Wafers: The example of 100% Ge Epitaxie integrated via oxide heterostructures on Si(111)”, 4th International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM), Hsinchu (Taiwan), May 2008
T. Schroeder
“Engineered Si Wafers: The example of Si and Ge Heteroepitaxy via Engineered Oxide Heterostructures”, Bilateral National Nanofab Center (NNFC) – IHP Microelectronics Workshop, Daejeon (South Korea), January 2008
T. Schroeder
“From Stacking and Micro-Twins: Suppressing Defect Mechanisms in single crystalline Si & Ge layers integrated on Si(111) via engineered oxide heterostructures, Centre of Interdisciplinary Materials Research (IZM) of the Martin-Luther University Halle- Wittenberg, Halle (Germany), May 2008
T. Schroeder
“From Stacking and Microtwin Detection by High Resolution XRD in SOI & GOI Heterostructures on Si(111), European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Experimental Division Meeting, Grenoble (France), July 2008
T. Schroeder
“Heteroepitaxial Integration of Single Crystalline Ge(111) Layers on Si(111) via PrO2(111) Heterostructures”, October 2008, SiGe & Ge: Materials, Processing and Devices, 3rd Symposium Prime 2008, Honolulu (USA)
A. Giussani
“Lattice engineering of dielectric heterostructures on Si by isomorphic oxide - on - oxide epitaxy”, February 2008, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin (Germany)
A. Wilke
“On the electronic and dielectric characterisation of thin cubic PrO2 layers on Silicon”, February 2008, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin (Germany)
O. Seifarth
“On the global integration of truly single crystalline 100 % Ge epilayers on Si(111) via oxide heterostructures”, January 2008, Hasylab User Meeting, Hamburg (Germany)
A. Giussani
“Single crystalline Ge(111) / PrO2 / Si(111) Heterostructures prepared by MBE & CVD: Insights in Growth, Structure and Dielectric Properties”, Functional Oxides for Integration in Micro- and Nano-Electroncis, Autrans (France), March 2008
T. Schroeder
“Structure & Defects of Epitaxial Silicon(111) Layers on Y2O3(111) / Si(111) Support Systems”, June 2008, 15th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDiM), Berlin (Germany)
Ch. Borschel
“Structure and electrical properties of strained Si overlayers prepared via lattice mismatched oxide heterostructures on Si”, May 2008, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France)
O. Seifarth
“The initial growth stages of MBE Ge films on PrO2(111)/Si(111) support systems”, February 2008, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin (Germany)
A. Giussani
Advanced Dielectrics for future Si-based Micro- and Nanoelectronics, invited contribution to the GENNESYS White Book – EU initiative of the Max-Planck Society to strengthen technology-oriented R & D activities at Large scale research facilities in Europe (March 2009)
T. Schroeder
Atomically smooth and single crystalline Ge(111) / cub-Pr2O3 (111) / Si(111) heterostructures: structural and chemical composition study, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 033512 (2009)
A. Giussani, P. Rodenbach, P. Zaumseil, J. Dabrowski, R. Kurps, I. Costina, G. Weidner, H.-J. Müssig, P. Storck and T. Schroeder
Defect Structure of Ge(111) / cubic Pr2O3(111) / Si(111) Heterostructures: Thickness and Annealing Dependence, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 073502 (2009)
A. Giussani, P. Zaumseil, P. Rodenbach, G. Weidner, M. A. Schubert, D. Geiger, H. Lichte, P. Storck, J. Wollschläger, and T. Schroeder
Dielectric Properties of single crystalline PrO2 (111) / Si(111) heterostructures: Amorphous interface and electrical instabilities, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 104105 (2009)
O. Seifarth, Ch. Walczyk, A. Giussani, G. Lupina, H.-J. Müssig and T. Schroeder
Engineered Si wafers: On the role of oxide heterostructures as buffers for the integration of alternative semiconductors, Physica Status Solidi C 6, 652 (2009)
T. Schroeder, A. Giussani, J. Dabrowski, P. Zaumseil, H.-J. Müssig, O. Seifarth, and P. Storck
Ge integration on Si via rare earth oxide buffers: From MBE to CVD, Microelectronic Engineering 86, 1615 (2009)
T. Schroeder, A. Giussani, H.-J. Muessig, G. Weidner, I. Costina, Ch. Wenger, M. Lukosius, P. Storck and P. Zaumseil
Growth of praseodymium oxide on Si(111) under oxygen deficient conditions, Physical Review B 80, 045414 (2009)
A. Schaefer, V. Zielasek, Th. Schmidt, A. Sandell, M. Schowalter, O. Seifarth, L. E. Walle, Ch. Schulz, J. Wollschläger, T. Schroeder, A. Rosenauer, J. Falta, and M. Bäumer
On the band gaps and electronic structure of thin single crystalline Praseodymium oxide layers on Si(111), Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 27, 271 (2009)
O. Seifarth, J. Dabrowski, P. Zaumseil, S. Müller, D. Schmeißer, H.-J. Müssig, and T. Schroeder
Post deposition annealing induced transition from hexagonal Pr2O3 to cubic PrO2 films on Si(111), Journal of Applied Physics 105, 124108 (2009)
T. Weisemoeller, F. Bertram, S. Gevers, A. Greuling, C. Deiter, H. Tobergte, M. Neumann, A. Giussani, J. Wollschläger, and T. Schroeder
Structure and Defects of epitaxial Si(111) layers on Y2O3 (111) / Si(111) support systems, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 27, 305 (2009)
C. Borschel, C. Ronning, H. Hofsäss, A. Giussani, P. Zaumseil, Ch. Wenger, P. Storck, and T. Schroeder
Synchrotron X-ray characterization of structural defects in epi-Ge / Pr2O3 / Si(111) layer stacks, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 215411(2009)
P Zaumseil, A Giussani, P Storck, and T Schroeder
X-ray characterization of epi-Ge(111) / Pr2O3 / Si(111) layer stacks by pole figures and reciprocal space mapping, Physica Status Solidi A 206, 1809 (2009)
P. Zaumseil, A. Giussani, P. Rodenbach and T. Schroeder
“A complex X-ray characterization of Ge layer epitaxially grown on nano-structured Si(100) substrates”, June 2009, European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (E-MRS), Strasbourg (France)
P. Zaumseil
“Characterization of semiconductor films epitaxially grown on thin metal oxide buffer layers”, September 2009, Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology (GADEST), Berlin (Germany)
P. Zaumseil
“Chemical composition and structure characterization study of Ge films integrated on Si via oxide heterostructures”, April 2009, Surface Science Seminar, Faculty of Physics, University of Osnabrueck, Osnabrueck (Germany)
A. Giussani
“Engineered Silicon wafers: Oxide heterostructures as flexible buffers (Lecture 1)” and “Engineered Silicon wafers: Semiconductor epitaxy on single crystalline oxides (Lecture 2)”, Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Physics School, Bad Honnef (German),(2nd - 8th August 2009)
T. Schroeder
“Heteroepitaxial Integration of single crystalline Ge(111) layers on Si(111) via cubic Pr oxide buffers”, May 2009, Hercules Special Course, Synchrotron Radiation Techniques contribution to Nanoscience, ESRF, Grenoble (France)
A. Giussani
“Laboratory-based characterization of heteroepitaxial structures: Advanced experiments not needing synchrotron radiation”, (invited), July 2009, 58th Annual Denver X-ray Conference, July 2009, Colorado, U.S.A.
P. Zaumseil
“On the role of dielectrics in Si microelectronics: From front end to back end of line for aggressively scaled and functionalized Si IC`s”, Materials Research Seminar, Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (Slovakia), (March 2009)
T. Schroeder
“Oxide heterostructure engineering for functional semiconductor integration on Silicon”, Materials Research Colloquium at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), October 2009
T. Schroeder
“Rare Earth Oxide Heterostructures: Versatile buffer systems for the integration of Ge on Si”, Insulating Films on Semiconductors (INFOS), Cambridge (United Kingdom), June 2009
T. Schroeder
“Single crystalline oxide heterostructures: A flexible buffer approach for the integration of alternative semiconductors on Si”, 6th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, Los Angeles (USA), (May 2009)
T. Schroeder
“Single crystalline oxide heterostructures: A flexible buffer approach for the integration of Ge on Si”, Hamburger Synchrotron Laboratory Photon Science Seminar, Hamburg (Germany), (February 2009)
T. Schroeder
“Single crystalline Si / insulator / Si heterostructures: Structure, defect and strain analysis by complex X-ray diffraction techniques” European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (E-MRS), Strasbourg (France), June 2009
T. Schroeder
“Tailoring lattice parameters & band gaps with thin crystalline mixed oxide buffer layers on Si: The example of lattice matched epi-Si(111) / PrYO3 / Si(111) heterostructures”, December 2009, 40th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialist Conference (SISC), Washington, U.S.A.
O. Seifarth
“The electronic band diagram of thin PrO2 / Pr-silicate buffers on Si(111) and its relevance to dielectric properties”, March 2009, German Physical Society Spring Meeting (DPG), Dresden (Germany)
O. Seifarth
“X-ray analysis of praseodymia”; PhD Thesis in Physics (University of Osnabrück)
Thomas Weisemöller
“X-ray based structure characterization of Ge(111) / cubic Pr2O3(111) / Si(111) heterostructures”,June 2009, European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (E-MRS), Strasbourg (France)
A. Giussani
A novel engineered oxide buffer approach for fully lattice matched SOI heterostructures, New Journal of Physics
A. Giussani, O. Seifarth, P. Zaumseil, P. Storck, and T. Schroeder
Characterization of semiconductor films epitaxially grown on thin metal oxide buffer layers, Solid State Phenomena 156-158, 467 (2010)
P. Zaumseil, A. Giussani, O. Seifarth, T. Arguirov, A. Schubert, and T. Schroeder
Integration of strained and relaxed Silicon thin films on Silicon wafers via engineered oxide heterostructures: Experiment and Theory, to Journal of Applied Physics
O. Seifarth, B. Dietrich, P. Zaumseil, A. Giussani, P. Storck and T. Schroeder
Laboratory-based characterization of heteroepitaxial structures: Advanced experiments not needing synchrotron radiation, 58th Annual Denver X-ray Conference, July 2009, Colorado, U.S.A, Advances in X-ray Analysis 54, 56 (2010)
P. Zaumseil, A. Giussani, and T. Schroeder
Laboratory-based Characterization of heteroepitaxial Structures: Advanced experiments not needing Synchrotron radiation, in Powder Diffraction
P. Zaumseil, A. Giussani, and T. Schroeder
X-ray characterization of epi-Ge / Pr2O3 / Si(111) films, Europhysics News 41, 12 (2010)
P. Zaumseil, A. Giussani, P. Storck and T. Schroeder
“Alternative semiconductor integration on Si: Oxide heterostructures versus patterned Si wafers”, IBM Rueschlikon Research Laboratories, Zuerich (Switzerland), (January 2010)
T. Schroeder
“Crystalline perfection of semiconductor / oxide / semiconductor heterostructures analysed by Synchrotron GID XRD studies”, February 2010, Deutsche Tagung fuer Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Grossgeraeten (SNI 2010), Berlin (Germany)
P. Zaumseil
“Crystallographic structure and band alignment of thin lattice matched epi- Si(111)/PrYO3/Si(111) heterostructures analyzed by Synchrotron Radiation”, February 2010, Deutsche Tagung fuer Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Grossgeraeten (SNI 2010), Berlin (Germany)
O. Seifarth
“Ge(111) / cubic Pr2O3(111) / Si(111) Heterostructures: A Structural, Morphological and Analytical Characterization”, February 2010, Deutsche Tagung fuer Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Grossgeraeten (SNI 2010), Berlin (Germany)
A. Giussani
“Germanium thin film integration on silicon substrates via oxide heterostructure buffers”; PhD Thesis in Physics at IHP (University of Osnabrück)
Alessandro Giussani
“Modellkatalytische Untersuchungen an Praseodymoxidoberflächen“, PhD Thesis in Chemistry (University of Bremen). Defended in Februay 2010
Andreas Schäfer
“Rare Earth Oxide Buffer Engineering for the Integration of Germanium and Silicon Thin Film Substrates onto the Si platform”, August 2010, 16th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE 2010), Berlin (Germany)
A. Giussani
“Si wafer engineering: single crystalline oxides as buffers for the integration of alternative semiconductors”, (invited), March 2010, German Physical Society Spring Meeting, (DPG 2010), Regensburg (Germany)
A. Giussani
“Structure and Morphology of MBE grown Ge on insulator heterostructures”, July 2010, The Eleventh International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering (SXNS 2011), Chicago (U.S.A.)
J. Wollschlaeger
“Tailoring single crystalline oxide properties on Si”, T. Schroeder, June 2010, European Materials Research Symposium (E-MRS 2010), Strasbourg (France), June 2010
T. Schroeder
Complex interface and growth analysis of single crystalline epi-Si(111) / Y2O3 / Pr2O3 / Si(111) heterostructures: Strain engineering by oxide buffer control, in Surface and Interface Analysis
A. Wilke, J.-M. Yang, J. W. Kim, O. Seifarth, B. Dietrich, A. Giussani, P. Zaumseil, P. Storck and T. Schroeder
Photoemission study of praseodymia in its highest oxidation state: the necessity of in situ plasma treatment, to Phys. Rev. Lett.
A. Schaeffer, S. Gevers, V. Zielasek, T. Schroeder, J. Falta, J. Wollschlaeger, and M. Baeumer