KRED-Origami: Synthesis and Characterization of Ketoreductase Cascades Assembled on DNA Origami Nanostructures
Final Report Abstract
In this project, concepts of DNA nanotechnology were used for the fabrication and characterization of multi-enzyme systems arranged at the nanometer scale in order to improve the understanding of functional, spatially organized biomolecular networks. To this end, supramolecular DNA origami nanostructures (DON) bearing characteristic arrays of recombinant ketoreductases (KRED) and NAD(P)H-regenerating enzymes (NRE) should be synthesized and characterized. The functionality of the enzyme-DON constructs should be evaluated using quantitative data of their catalytic activity and stereoselectivity by means of a chromatographic assay based on the stereoselective conversion of a CS-symmetrical nitrodiketone substrate. Questions concerned on the one hand methodological aspects, such as the selection and molecular cloning of bioconjugatable KREDs and NREs, the establishment of site-selective DNA ligation methods, and the construction and analysis of origami-based NRE-KRED cascades. Furthermore, overarching questions should be addressed, in particular, whether it is possible to control the overall stereoselectivity of the constructs using cascades carrying both (S)- and (R)- selective KREDs. In addition, supported by theoretical work among others, it should also be evaluated whether design rules for effective multi-enzyme/cascade systems can be identified that contribute to the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of spatially organized, diffusionbased, multicenter biocatalysts and ultimately can be exploited for practical applications. In this project, on the one hand, refined methodological approaches and tools were successfully developed. In particular, these included efficient linker systems based on genetically encoded binding tags, microbead-based purification strategies for enzyme-decorated DON constructs, highly sensitive analytics based on chiral HPLC coupled with MS/MS detection, and experimental platforms and simulation tools for fluidically controllable biocatalytic reaction environments. The here developed tools and results will help to perform detailed structure-activity relationship studies to investigate the underlying mechanisms of compartmentalized biomolecular cascades and substrate channeling. The nucleic acid-based multienzyme systems used in this project are ideally suited for such basic studies. However, for commercial applications of compartmentalized enzyme cascades, protein-based systems are likely to be advantageous due to their much lower cost.
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