A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Sabellidae (Annelida) using a targeted gene capture approach and implications for the evolution of life history strategies
Subject Area
Systematics and Morphology (Zoology)
Evolution, Anthropology
from 2016 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 335341046
There is a long lasting discussion on the primary organization of the bilaterian metazoans which either was a small directly developing acoelomate or a large, free-spawning coelomate with larvae. Annelids are generally regarded as typical examples for the latter, but not all annelids are large and free-spawning. In order to understand the evolution of body sizes and reproductive modes those annelid groups are of special interest which possess representatives exhibiting variable life history strategies. In this proposal sabellids are used as a case-study to analyze the evolution of life history strategies and body sizes, as well as the co-variability of body size and mode of reproduction. Since the quality of the phylogeny used as backbone for reconstructing evolutionary processes influences the explanatory power of such analyses, a next generation sequencing targeted sequence-capture based approach and transcriptomics will be employed to resolve the phylogeny of Sabellidae. The results will be used to test earlier, morphology-based approaches. Preliminary studies indicate that the molecular approach applied in this study will alter sabellid systematics.
DFG Programme
Research Fellowships
International Connection