GRK 2376:
Confinement-Controlled Chemistry
Subject Area
Physical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Molecular Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
since 2018
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 331085229
“Confinement-Controlled Chemistry” interconnects eminent fundamental scientific challenges in diverse fields such as energy technology, catalysis, and biomedicine. Confinement is also inherently controlling processes in environmentally relevant technologies, for example, ion-selective membranes for desalination, morphologically controlled heterojunctions in photovoltaics, electrodes for batteries, or selective ion receptors in nuclear waste treatment. Artificial enzymes or porous solids enhance reaction yields in catalysis based on confinement effects. While it is presumed that the confinement to nanoscale dimensions alters the transition states and pathways of chemical reactions, the use of state-of-the-art experiments and theoretical models to understand the fundamental principles of chemistry and catalysis in these systems remains in its infancy. We propose that confinement can ultimately be used to control essential factors that guide chemical transformations. For this purpose, a range of experimental and theoretical tools were developed in the first funding period, involving researchers of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University, and the University of Duisburg-Essen. We propose to apply these newly-developed tools in the second funding period to address the fundamentals of “Confinement-Controlled Chemistry” for two prototypical reaction classes, namely photoinduced and charge-driven processes. Understanding the microscopic details of purely geometrical confinement effects will serve to develop recipes to utilise the full potential of purposely designed and modulated nanoconfinement to promote and steer specific chemical reactions. The scientific approach will combine supra-molecular chemistry, electrochemistry, synchrotron-based X-ray scattering and spectroscopy, linear and nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy, single-molecule imaging, and theoretical methods, including quantum chemical calculations, force field molecular dynamics, and free energy simulations. We collaborate because our theory, spectroscopy, supramolecular synthesis, and surface science efforts are complementary, leading to new advances in the emerging field of “Confinement-Controlled Chemistry”. The PhD students of the graduate school will enormously benefit from the intellectual exchange amongst each other and with the advanced RTG researchers using the unique facilities within the RTG consortium and at its collaboration partners. A dedicated education programme serves the PhD students to understand and discuss scientific results from all participating groups within the RTG, channelling much broader knowledge about the topic and the methods involved than is usual at the end of a successful PhD project. In addition, the soft skills promoted within the programme will qualify them for superior positions either in industry or academia.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups