The research group focuses on the co-construction of law, gender and collectivity in late modern societies. We are interested in how societal conflicts are represented as part of gendered and legally organised collective processes. In a closely interwoven, interdisciplinary process, we focus on the emergence of collectivity and the construction of subjectivities. To this end, the six projects – in legal studies, sociology, European ethnology, history and gender studies – investigate medium-level collectives.During the first funding period, we accounted for a variety of aggregate states and intensities of the collectivity. Our initial observations about processes of standardisation, categorisation and solidarization were confirmed: Late modern societies are characterised by dynamic conflicts that challenge societal cohesion and contribute to the emergence and transformation of collectives. At the same time, we documented manifold references to new and altered forms and imaginaries of sociality, participation and solidarity originating from such collectives. Hence, our point of departure for the second funding period is that collectives are important forces driving societal negotiations of community, the common good and solidarity. All projects will focus on conflict-producing negotiations of the General, and on practices and imaginations of the Common. We grasp these as real-world experiments in which new forms of social solidarity and cohesion are explored. We anticipate that something becomes visible here that distinctively distinguishes the otherwise disjointed sense of the social-present: Experiences of the lost or uniquely questioned General encounter hopes for establishing a new, less abstract Common, and for finding new spaces of the Shared.To this end, we take up additional fields of research: climate litigation (project A); transnational value chains and labour migration (project B); practices and conflicts of urban commoning and housing commons (project C); consumer protection (project D); welfare oriented infrastructuring in the context of public transport and midwifery care (project E); and human-rights education initiatives of lesbian and gay movements (project F). In these fields, we ask, firstly, how gender, law and collectivity shape the respectively observed dynamics, practices and processes, and, in turn, how these contribute to the reconfiguration of gender, law and collectivity. We then, secondly, more rigorously investigate the responses within these collectives offered to the question of the General and the Common.
DFG Programme
Research Units