Archaeological and geoarchaeological research at the germanic-roman battlefield Harzhorn, Ldkr. Northeim.

Applicants Dr. Michael Geschwinde; Professor Dr. Michael Meyer
Subject Area Prehistory and World Archaeology
Term from 2016 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 329508288

Project Description

The aim of the project is the preparation, analysis, and publication of the archaeological finds and contexts of the 'Harzhorn' Germanic-Roman battlefield site with its two find spots 'Harzhorn' and 'Kahlberg'. The project has two major parts. On the one hand, the manifold finds are to be analysed, interpreted and published together with their archaeological context. On the other hand, supplementary surveys in target areas and further pedological research should offer detailed information about the depositional circumstances and conditions governing the survival of the finds and features. Based on that, an in-depth analysis of the distribution of the finds will be carried out. The two parts of the project will enable us to develop a new and comprehensive interpretation of the site and the stages of the battle.Research will take place in 5 partially simultaneous work packages (WP):WP1: supplementary surveys of selected areasWP2: production of a detailed soil map for the entire area of the battlefieldWP3: integrating the pedological results and the distribution of finds to develop a detailed map of the preservation conditionsWP4: systematic analysis and documentation of all the surveys and excavations, and all of the finds recovered since the discovery of the site; production of manuscripts for publicationWP5: Review and further development of the existiing model of the events at the Harzhorn site
DFG Programme Research Grants
Co-Investigators Dr. Philipp Hoelzmann; Professorin Dr. Brigitta Schütt