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Influence of different host stars upon the atmospheres of planets at the boundary of rocky and gas planets

Applicant Dr. Mareike Godolt
Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 329164484
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

Within the project Influence of different host stars upon the atmospheres of planets at the boundary of rocky and gas planets we mainly explored two topics relevant for understanding the atmospheres of small extrasolar planets: the impact of the coevolution of the planetary interior and atmosphere and the star upon habitability as well as the impact of different atmospheric origins upon the atmospheric spectral appearance. We showed that rocky planets around M-dwarf stars could be habitable despite the long stella pre-main sequence phase as enough water can be outgassed from the interior at a later evolutionary stage. Furthermore, we found that it will be hard to distinguish between atmospheres originating from solar composition atmospheres and solar composition atmospheres mixed with sublimated atmospheres if they possess similar mean molecular weights. To understand whether outgassed atmospheres can be distinguished from sublimated atmospheres the fate of sulphuric species within these atmospheres need to be studied in detail.



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