A considerable number of studies has investigated the behavior of homosexual consumers and compared this behavior with the behavior of the majority of heterosexual consumers. The studies provide inconsistent findings that show that either differences exist between homosexuals and heterosexuals or that these differences are not significant. The theoretical accounts are not consistent either, suggesting both differences as well as convergence in consumer behavior. This meta-analysis tries to answer the question whether the behavior of homosexual and heterosexual consumers differs, how these differences look like, and how they can be explained.The meta-analysis applies several explanatory factors that have been ignored by prior research, mainly because they are difficult to investigate. These factors include cultural differences, changes over time, gender and other demographic characteristics of study participants as well as method details (e.g., sampling procedure).The project contributes to science, practice, and society. The scientific contribution refers to the integration of results and the explanation of inconsistencies in findings regarding the influence of sexual orientation on consumer behavior. The project explains inconsistencies in prior research and helps to evaluate the relevance of different theoretical ac-counts. The meta-analysis further can identify strong findings that have been under-researched as promising future research areas. By this, the project provides a new re-search agenda for consumer and marketing research as well as for sociological research concerning homosexuality. As a contribution to practitioners, the findings of the meta-analysis provide information to marketing and communication managers in marketing departments or advertising agencies on show how to address homosexual consumers appropriately. Whether and how homosexual and heterosexual consumers differ provides an important contribution to the political discussion in society on the equality of rights movements of the homosexual minority. Discrimination is based on the assumption that differences exist. An answer to the question whether these differences indeed exist and, if so, how they can be explained by culture, demographics, etc. can reduce discrimination and support equality of chances.
DFG Programme
Research Grants