Chronic myeloic leukemia is a chronic disease where blood cells reproduce uncontrollable and do not grow into fully functional cells. Treatment with tyrosin kinase inhibitors (TKI) often leads to a remission that, in some cases, persists after termination of treatment. The conditions leading to such a sustained remission are presently unknown. We have developed two dynamic models describing TKI treatment. Both models reproduce the qualitative dynamics of TKI treatment equally well and are therefore a-priori equally plausible. However, only one of the models predicts a sustained remission after termination of treatment. Hence, only if patient data is compatible with this model and not the other termination of treatment should be considered. For this conclusion to hold both models have to be validated mathematically and experimentally. Mathematical validation is one goal of this proposal, preparation of a Sachmittelantrag for experimental validation and computation of optimized treatment plans the other.
DFG Programme
Research Grants