Project Details
Quantum effects in dark matter physics (D04)
Subject Area
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Astrophysics and Astronomy
Astrophysics and Astronomy
since 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 283604770
The project will address dark matter scenarios of common interest, for which quantum and thermal effects are important, through methods more familiar from collider physics (non-relativistic and soft-collinear effective field theory, renormalization-group evolution, factorization and resummation techniques) and further develop them for dark matter applications by combining effective field theory and dark matter phenomenology.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Project Heads
Professor Dr. Martin Beneke; Dr. Mathias Garny, since 7/2021; Professor Dr. Alejandro Ibarra, until 6/2021