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Balancing Sonic hedgehog Signaling in Health and Disease of the Brain

Applicant Dr. Annabel Christ
Subject Area Developmental Neurobiology
Cell Biology
Term from 2016 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 326429871
Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

Embryonic neural development but also adult neurogenesis are processes dependent on the interplay of different signaling pathways. The tight regulation of pathway functions and the precise timing of their activity ensures correct patterning of the CNS and ongoing neurogenesis in the adult brain. Defects in these morphogenetic processes lead to developmental abnormalities in the brain resulting in a spectrum of severe forebrain malformations referred to as holoprosencephaly (HPE) but also a disturbed balance of proliferative cell fate decisions in stem and progenitor cell populations implicated in adult neurogenesis. LRP2 is an endocytic receptor of the family of low-density lipoprotein receptorrelated proteins (LRPs), multifunctional cell surface receptors that bind and endocytose ligands with diverse biological functions. LRP2 has been identified as a co-receptor for SHH in control of morphogen signaling during embryogenesis. Specifically, LRP2, but also other SHH binding proteins like CDON and GAS1, act as co-receptors to the classical SHH receptor Patched (PTCH) 1. Their activities are essential to activate the full spectrum of SHH pathway functions during development and adult tissue homeostasis, yet the molecular mechanisms of their action remained elusive. Using novel transgenic mouse lines and induced pluripotent stem cell-based cell models, we showed that SHH co-receptor LRP2, CDON, and GAS1 also play major roles in other signal transduction pathways during brain development. We identified interaction of LRP2 and CDON to active NODAL signaling during early patterning processes, needed for activation of SHH signaling in the rostral embryonic neuroepithelium. We also showed that GAS1 function is not limited to the SHH pathway but is also required for promoting NOTCH signaling during neuroepithelial differentiation. Loss of GAS1 results in defects in NOTCH-dependent facilitation of SHH signaling, leading to a failure in maintaining the SHH activity domain in the rostral ventral neuroepithelium, ultimately resulting in HPE. Furthermore, we classified LRP2 also as novel component of the planar cell polarity pathway in coordination of motile cilia function in the adult ependyma preserving brain homeostasis and adult neurogenesis. Taken together, we uncovered unique roles for SHH co-receptors LRP2, CDON and GAS1 in morphogenetic processes during forebrain development and adult brain homeostasis by acting as a molecular interface in integrating different signaling pathways from SHH, NOTCH, Nodal, and PCP.



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