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Electron-Rich Monovalent Boron: A Platform for Metal Mimicry

Subject Area Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Term from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 325229020
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

This project has opened up huge opportunities for future research in our group. The TM-borylene chemistry, upon which the original proposal was based, has seen a large expansion of promising TM-borylene reagents, as well as a number of new modes of liberation of the borylene ligand using Lewis bases and other reagents such as chalcogens, leading to new (metal-free) monovalent boron compounds, iminoboranes as well as a number of new classes of boron-containing heterocycles. The metal-free chemistry of monovalent boron compounds, a more recent offshoot of this chemistry, has already witnessed some major breakthroughs such as the first fixation, reduction and dimerization of N2 at a main-group atom, and ultimately the confirmed one-pot synthesis of ammonium from N2 using this system. A huge number of possibilities beckon from these results in different directions, namely: (a) the use of monovalent boron species in the activation of other challenging small molecules, and (b) the development of the N2 fixation chemistry towards practical methods to prepare ammonia and other value-added nitrogencontaining compounds.



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