High-pressure laboratories of Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Subject Area
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis
Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
from 2017 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 324662608
High-pressure research is essential for Earth and materials science, solid state physics and chemistry. The Geoinstitut is the leading facility for high-pressure research in Earth sciences in Europe, combining virtually all instruments of modern high-pressure research at one site. Many of the experimental facilities are unique in Europe, some are unique worldwide (e.g. 5000 ton multi anvil press; novel cubic press with six independent anvils; apparatus for the simultaneous measurement of Brillouin spectra and X-ray difffraction patterns on single crystals in diamond anvil cells; new portable laser-heating devices).In 2013 - 2016, more than 40 research groups from Germany and abroad visited Bayerisches Geoinstitut with support from the DFG Core Facility. Most of the visitors came from universities, but also from other research institutes (MPG, Fraunhofer UK). Projects included research topics from Earth and planetary science, material science, and solid-state physics, such as the evolution of planet Mercury, texture development in the lowermost Earth´s mantle, or the annealing of defects in diamonds for applications in color center lasers. The purpose of the present application for extension of Core Facility funding is to continue to make the facilities of Bayerisches Geoinstitut available for external users. Experience in the last three years had shown that in particular, the possibility to carry out a small number of exploratory experiments for free is essential for many groups; this kind of access can only be granted with support from DFG. Moreover, the DFG funding will be used to improve the experimental capability of the available facilities; this will include the extension of the routinely accessible pressure range of multi anvil presses beyond 30 GPa using WC anvils, a technology that would be unique in Europe.Access to external users will be granted in two different modes: (1) Users with approved DFG grants may pay for experiments (2) users without such grants may carry out exploratory studies free of charge. All high-pressure equipment will be made available to external users; all analytical equipment may be used free of charge if it is necessary for the high-pressure experiments. All external users will be supported by staff scientists in their experiments; this includes advice in optimum experimental design and data evaluation. Guest offices will be provided to the visitors and the secretarial staff of the institute will provide support in booking hotel rooms and other logistics. The high-pressure laboratories of Bayerisches Geoinstitut will remain accessible for external users after termination of DFG funding; this will, however, require that users then pay for the full costs of experiments.
DFG Programme
Core Facilities