Magnetic and dielectric studies on the room temperature magnet SrRu2O6 and its doped variants

Applicant Professor Dr. Rüdiger Klingeler
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2017 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 323612566

Final Report

Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

Sr1-xCaxRu2O6 materials have been synthesised by conventional hydrothermal synthesis methods and studied with respect to magnetic, transport, and structure properties. In contrast, the microwave-assisted hydrothermal process was not successful. Electrical transport studies on undoped materials are better described by a fluctuation-induced tunneling model in a wider temperature range. This together with unusually low, glass-like thermal conductivity confirms that electrical and thermal transport mechanism in SrRu2O6 needs further exploration. Highfrequency ESR studies up to 600 GHz and 16 T show no resonance features of antiferromagnetic resonance modes indicating a large zero-field gap of antiferromagnetic magnon excitations. Notably, SrRu2O6 nanosheets can be synthesized using a scalable technique of liquid exfoliation. Experimental data also suggest that exfoliation occurs from the planes perpendicular to the c-axis wherein the intervening hexagonal Sr lattice separates the two-dimensional Ru honeycomb. Our experimental data on structure effects agree with numerical predictions. First-principles calculations suggest that antiferromagnetism survives in these nanosheets. The experimental realization of graphene-like two-dimensional sheets of SrRu2O6 offers possibilities to explore emergent properties associated with a magnetic honeycomb lattice with large spin–orbit coupling.


DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection India
Partner Organisation Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Co-Investigators Dr. Ashna Bajpai; Dr. Sunil Nair
Cooperation Partner Dr. Changhyun Koo