Magnetische und dielektrische Untersuchungen des Raumtemperatur-Magneten SrRu2O6 und dessen dotierter Varianten
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2017 bis 2022
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 323612566
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Sr1-xCaxRu2O6 materials have been synthesised by conventional hydrothermal synthesis methods and studied with respect to magnetic, transport, and structure properties. In contrast, the microwave-assisted hydrothermal process was not successful. Electrical transport studies on undoped materials are better described by a fluctuation-induced tunneling model in a wider temperature range. This together with unusually low, glass-like thermal conductivity confirms that electrical and thermal transport mechanism in SrRu2O6 needs further exploration. Highfrequency ESR studies up to 600 GHz and 16 T show no resonance features of antiferromagnetic resonance modes indicating a large zero-field gap of antiferromagnetic magnon excitations. Notably, SrRu2O6 nanosheets can be synthesized using a scalable technique of liquid exfoliation. Experimental data also suggest that exfoliation occurs from the planes perpendicular to the c-axis wherein the intervening hexagonal Sr lattice separates the two-dimensional Ru honeycomb. Our experimental data on structure effects agree with numerical predictions. First-principles calculations suggest that antiferromagnetism survives in these nanosheets. The experimental realization of graphene-like two-dimensional sheets of SrRu2O6 offers possibilities to explore emergent properties associated with a magnetic honeycomb lattice with large spin–orbit coupling.
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