Project Details
Epitaxy of intra-plane ordered (In,Ga)N monolayers towards single photon emission
Dr. Martin Albrecht
Subject Area
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
from 2017 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 323347164
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2018). "Elastically frustrated rehybridization: Origin of chemical order and compositional limits in InGaN quantum wells." Physical Review Materials 2, 011601(R)
Lymperakis, L., et al.
(2018). "Enhanced Hydrogen Detection Based on Mg-Doped InN Epilayer." Sensors 18 2065
Wang, S., et al.
(2018). "High-electron-mobility InN epilayers grown on silicon substrate." Applied Physics Letters 112, 162102
Liu, H. P., et al.
(2018). "Molecular beam epitaxy of single-crystalline aluminum film for low threshold ultraviolet plasmonic nanolasers." Applied Physics Letters 112, 231904
Liu, S. L., et al.
(2018). "Transition of dominant lattice sites of Mg in InN:Mg revealed by Raman scattering." Superlattices and Microstructures 120: 533-539
Chen, Z., et al.
(2019). "Experimental Evidence of Large Bandgap Energy in Atomically Thin AlN." Advanced Functional Materials 29 1902608
Wang, P., et al.
(2019). "Single photon source based on an InGaN quantum dot in a sitecontrolled optical horn structure." Applied Physics Letters 115(2): 022101 -022101
Sun, X. X., et al.
(2019). "Single‐photon emission from a further confined InGaN/GaN quantum disc via reverse‐reaction growth." Quantum Engineering 1(3): e20
Sun, X., et al.
(2020). "Single-photon emission from isolated monolayer islands of InGaN." Light: Science & Applications 9: 159
Sun, X., et al.