Electrospun Nanofibers with Embedded Yolk-Shell Particles for Catalytic Applications

Applicant Privatdozentin Petra Uhlmann, Ph.D., since 9/2022
Subject Area Preparatory and Physical Chemistry of Polymers
Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
Polymer Materials
Term from 2017 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 323249705

Project Description

The integration of catalytically active nanoparticles in macroscopic supports is crucial for their application in heterogenous catalysis. We want to investigate the embedding of so-called yolk-shell particles into porous electrospun fibers and the catalytic properties of these novel structures. Yolk-shell particles are core-shell systems, consisting of a reactant-permeable shell and a single catalytically active core. Preliminary results demonstrate that catalytic activity of yolk-shell particles may be substantially improved by using block copolymers as sacrificial template and efficient porogen and additional embedding them in a porous matrix to prevent aggregation and fusion We plan to investigate the reasons for the enhanced catalytic activity. In particular, we will study the role of increased accessibility of catalytically active sites for the reactants through the porous shell and the increased stability of particles against aggregation and fusion. By combining block copolymer template approach for the fabrication of yolk-shells with electrospinning technique for the fabrication of nanofibers, we will be able to fabricate fiber mats with embedded catalytically active yolk-shell particles. These macroscopic carrier systems are suitable for flow-type catalytic processes. They will be investigated using model reactions (catalytic dye degradation) and further applied in water cleaning. The main goals of the present project are: (a) Preparation and investigation of yolk-shell type nanocatalyst having catalytically active core and reactant permeable shell using block copolymer template approach and mechanistic understanding of enhanced catalytic activity.(b) Embedment of yolk-shell type nanocatalyst into electrospun nanofibers and fabrication of catalytically active fibrous mat.(c) Investigation of catalytic activity of fibrous mat and its testing for water purification processes (e.g. for catalytic degradation of dyes as water pollutants).The project will be carried out in frame of international research collaboration between Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. The competences of the partners are ideally complementary with strengths of the Indian Partner in the field of block copolymer self-assembly and electrospinning, and strengths of the German Partner in the field of nanoparticle/nanocatalyst synthesis and preparation of the nanoparticle/block copolymer nanocomposites as well as characterization of mechanics and interactions of fibers. Obtained results will lead to new concepts for preparation of flow-type catalytic systems for water purification processes and environmental purposes.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection India
Partner Organisation Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Cooperation Partners Professor Dr. Bhanu Nandan; Professor Dr. Rajiv Srivastava
Ehemaliger Antragsteller Dr. Andriy Horechyy, until 9/2022