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Parametric representation and stochastic 3D modeling of grain microstructures in polycrystalline materials using random marked tessellations

Subject Area Mathematics
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2017 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 322917577
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

The main goal of the German-Czech research project was to develop a flexible platform for the stochastic analysis, modeling and simulation of 3D grain microstructures, using tools from stochastic geometry. This was motivated by the fact that, in many cases, the 3D microstructure of polycrystalline materials significantly influences their physical properties. In a close cooperation between mathematicians and physicists from Ulm University, Charles Uni- versity in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences, we investigated several experimental datasets from various polycrystalline materials such as aluminum alloys, a nickel-titanium alloy and others. The first step in such an investigation is usually to identify individual grains through image segmentation where we developed new techniques in particular one based on machine learning. After the grains have been identified, it was possible to perform statistic analyses regarding geo- metrical and crystallographic aspects of different material samples. The micromechanical properties of these samples have also been investigated. For this, tessellations where one cell corresponds to exactly one grain are a very helpful tool. We developed new ways to fit these to experimental data including tessellations with curved boundaries. Based on this, it is possible to compute the curvatures of grain boundaries more accurately than before. Stochastic microstructure models are a powerful tool to understand spatial dependencies. They also provide the possibility to generate artificial microstructures, which can be used for investigations of the physical properties of a material without the need of additional time- and resource-consuming experimental measurements. During the project, we worked on theoretical tools which allow an easier development of these models and published a new framework for stochastic models, which we employed on an aluminum alloy. We also developed a multi-scale stochastic model for the polycrystalline particles in cathodes of lithium ion batteries. In this way, significant progress has been achieved in the development of mathematical meth- ods for processing, analysis and modeling of tomographic image data which reconstruct the 3D microstructure of polycrystalline materials. The results obtained in this project will be used as a basis for our future research in, e.g., virtual materials testing where a large range of virtual microstructures, so-called digital twins, is generated from spatial stochastic models to quantify microstructure-property relationships of polycrystalline materials.



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